Logo Variations - Atari
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Neverwinter Nights (2002): A white Atari logo appears at the start along with logos for Wizards of the Coast and Bioware, and before the intro starts, both the Atari and Bioware logos appear in-credit.
V-Rally 3 (GBA) (2002): The Atari logo rotates on an orange background with a larger yellow/orange tripod. The logo then pixels out.
DRIV3R(2004): The logo plays normally, then a gun shot is heard, a bullet goes next to the tripod, and then the tripod explodes where the Reflections Interactive logo takes its place.
These are the logo variations seen throughout the years by Atari (Hasbro and Infogrames Era).
Missile Command (1999): A yellow Atari text and tripod without the rounded box was plastered on the intro movie. The Hasbro Interactive, Meyer/Glass Interactive and Rainbow Studios logos are also plastered in the intro movie.
Missile Command (1999): A yellow Atari text and tripod without the rounded box was plastered on the intro movie. The Hasbro Interactive, Meyer/Glass Interactive and Rainbow Studios logos are also plastered in the intro movie.
Pong: The Next Level (1999): We start on a CGI game of Pong, with 2 gray paddles swatting a gray square ball. We shift to the paddles in close-up, as each of them bends and returns the ball, before forming the Atari logo with the rounded box. We zoom into the middle line of the logo, transitioning into a variant of the Supersonic logo.
On the demo, it is the same as the full game, but the background eventually turns red and the tripod appears without the rounded box and in gold. The ATARI text appears from the bottom and then shines.
The Next Tetris (1999): A black Atari text and tripod without the rounded box was seen on a white background.
Breakout (2000): The logo appears on a speaker. Then the camera zooms out to a flipper DJ. The Supersonic logo appears on the DJ booth and then the Atari logo is seen printed on a towel that the protagonist Bouncer and his girlfriend Daisy are laying on. The logos are also seen in the main menu and the opening cutscene.
Breakout (2000): The logo appears on a speaker. Then the camera zooms out to a flipper DJ. The Supersonic logo appears on the DJ booth and then the Atari logo is seen printed on a towel that the protagonist Bouncer and his girlfriend Daisy are laying on. The logos are also seen in the main menu and the opening cutscene.

Neverwinter Nights (2002): A white Atari logo appears at the start along with logos for Wizards of the Coast and Bioware, and before the intro starts, both the Atari and Bioware logos appear in-credit.
V-Rally 3 (GBA) (2002): The Atari logo rotates on an orange background with a larger yellow/orange tripod. The logo then pixels out.
Unreal Tournament 2003 (2002): The logo appears in-credit with the Epic Games and Digital Extremes logos.
Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee (2002/2003): The metalic logo plays normally, then it zooms out into a city where the logo is still animating as a billboard.
Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee (2002/2003): The metalic logo plays normally, then it zooms out into a city where the logo is still animating as a billboard.
Unreal 2: The Awakening (2003): The logo is formed in the game's opening Intro. Steam versions of the game remove the Atari logo and Tripod (keeping the bit where it was supposed to be). The Xbox version has the regular 2003 logo.
Furious Karting (2003): The print logo appears after a wheel moves, then it zooms into the tripod which turns transparent, and then the game's intro starts.
Furious Karting (2003): The print logo appears after a wheel moves, then it zooms into the tripod which turns transparent, and then the game's intro starts.
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003): Regular "Crystal Circles" logo, but the Atari tripod is the 2003 version. It replaces the logo seen in the base game, but keeps the intro logo.
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003): Regular "Crystal Circles" logo, but the Atari tripod is the 2003 version. It replaces the logo seen in the base game, but keeps the intro logo.
Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes (2003):The logo plays normally, but the Tripod zooms for a brief second and vanishes instead of remaining in the middle like it normally does.
_______________________________________________________________________________________Asterix & Obelix XXL/Asterix & Obelix: Kick Buttix (2003): The logo is printed on a piece of metal with damage marks, with the metal attached to a planet of some sort.
Transformers (2004): The logo plays normally, then it transforms.
Transformers (2004): The logo plays normally, then it transforms.
DRIV3R(2004): The logo plays normally, then a gun shot is heard, a bullet goes next to the tripod, and then the tripod explodes where the Reflections Interactive logo takes its place.

Duel Masters (2004): 5 Dual Masters cards appear and turn into the Atari Tripod logo. A boy then blows on the tripod, revealing the remaining letters in ATARI. He vanishes as that happens.
Duel Masters (2004): 5 Dual Masters cards appear and turn into the Atari Tripod logo. A boy then blows on the tripod, revealing the remaining letters in ATARI. He vanishes as that happens.
Driver: Parallel Lines (2006): The logo plays normally, then a red muscle car drifts through being chased by 2 police cars. Then it does a burnout and drifts smoke around the white background and turns it into a black background, where the Reflections Interactive logo appears. The PC and Wii versions remove the Atari logo and tripod (those versions were published by Ubisoft), but keep this scene.
Driver: Parallel Lines (2006): The logo plays normally, then a red muscle car drifts through being chased by 2 police cars. Then it does a burnout and drifts smoke around the white background and turns it into a black background, where the Reflections Interactive logo appears. The PC and Wii versions remove the Atari logo and tripod (those versions were published by Ubisoft), but keep this scene.
Battlezone (2006): The tripod appears in metal without any ATARI text. The tripod shines.
Battlezone (2006): The tripod appears in metal without any ATARI text. The tripod shines.
Alone In The Dark (2008):The logo appears through a rainstorm.
Alone In The Dark (2008):The logo appears through a rainstorm.