Marbowe Home Video (Canada)

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Logo description by edunk5

Background: Marbowe Home Video was a short-lived Canadian specialty video company.

<img align="bottom" alt="Marbowe Home Video (1991)" height="210" src="" title="Marbowe Home Video (1991)" width="486"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" src="" width="352"></iframe>

Logo: On a black background, "MARBOWE" zooms up at the top of the screen in purple static. "H" (in yellow) and "V" (in turquoise) appear by wiping down on the left below. Then, "E" (in blue), "M" (in pink), and "O" (in orange) move out from behind the "H" in small letters causing the "V" to move itself until all the letters come out to form "HOME". After that, "O" (in pink), "E" (in orange), "D" (in yellow), and "I" (in green) also in smaller letters do the same.

FX/SFX: The zooming, wiping, and panning.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Very rare; can be seen on specialty videos, mainly sports bloopers.

Editor's Note: None.