Medialine Entertainment (Indonesia)
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Logo descriptions and captures by CokeFan12
Video captures courtesy of Sagan Blob Enterprises
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Background: MediaLine Entertainment was the Indonesian distributor of Universal Pictures and DreamWorks movies as well as certain shows byFremantleMedia, National Geographic, and Discovery Channel.

Logo: We zoom out from the Earth as a large "Medialine" pulls back. A diamond interlocked within a ring appears spinning around (a la ITC). The interlocked objects zoom in leaving a thick hazy trail. All of a sudden, the Medialine text zooms in rapidly as "E N T E R T A I N M E N T" placed underneath a line zooms out. Everything shatters like broken glass, and the background fades into a grey background with small ripples. The Medialine text, as well as the "E N T E R T A I N M E N T" text and the interlocked objects, appears very blurry, which gets clearer after a few seconds as the ripples stop.
FX/SFX: Early CGI, the Earth is badly UV-mapped, but otherwise decent for its time.
Music/Sounds: A string hit mixed with synth windchimes, whooshes, down-pitched dronesmixed with clanks, followed by a foreboding choir note, which is jarringly cut off by a powerful rock n' roll theme.
Availability: Uncommon. It was seen on Universal and DreamWorks releases (until 2005), as well as shows released by the remaining aforementioned companies above.
Editor's Note: None.