Metropolitan Films (France)

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Logo descriptions by Logophile and EnormousRat
Video captures courtesy of lastgarlicfinger and rvideoprod

Background: Metropolitan Filmexport is a French film distribution company founded in 1978 by Morocco-born Samuel and Victor Hadida. They're notable for French (France) distribution of movies from studios such as Lionsgate, CBS Films, STX Entertainment, Open Road Films (now Global Road Entertainment), MillenniumFilms, New Line Cinema (pre-WB merge era), Summit Entertainment (some titles), The Weinstein Company (some titles), Ghost House Pictures, FilmDistrict, Relativity Media, and Dreamworks (those produced by Amblin Partners).

1st (known) Logo

<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="191" src="" width="339"></iframe>
Logo: On a black starry space background is a red sun and in front of it is a white pegasus. Below is "METROPOLITAN FILMEXPORT" in white.

FX/SFX: None, it's still.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on French tape releases.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(1990's - 2000)

: "The Outline of Pegasus"

Logo: On a black background, the
white top piece of a silhouette of a horse flashes beams of light as it eases back to the middle of the screen. As it does this, a redcircle rises from the background and two more pieces of the silhouette (also flashing light) fly from the left and right. They meet with the background of the circle turning pinkish-white. Then an orange outlining of the pegasus eases back and goes to the circle. It flashes red and it turns into a painting of the pegasus behind an orange sun. Below that, it flashes red and "METROPOLITAN FILMEXPORT" appears below.

Variant: The background sometimes is black and blue

: The flying outlines and two light splashes.

Music/Sounds: A synthesized triumphant fanfare.

Availability: Was seen on French video and theatrical releases in late 90's.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo
(2000 - )

Nickname: "The Rising Pegasus"

Logo: We start with the wall of
orange-yellow glass bars and the legs of Pegasus running somewhere. Then his head appears, seen from another point of view, and he rears in the color of light, which quickly forms the sun eclipse surrounded by red aura. The words "METROPOLITAN FILMS" fades and shines.

: A fully animated Pegasus running and light effects around it.

Music/Sounds: First sounds of horse hooves followed with short synth fanfare. On some movies, the opening theme of the movie is heard.

Availability: Current in France.

Editor's Note: None.