Minnesota Logging Company

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Background: This is Jenna Bans' production company.

1st Logo
(January 12-April 6, 2011)

Nicknames: "The Hammering Men", "The Log", "The Brown Log"
Logo: On a light brown background, we see the yellow circle, and we see a log, with three men holding hammers. The words appear above the yellow circle "MINNESOTA" in arched form. We zoom out to reveal a light blue background with the words "LOGGING COMPANY" with the "N"s reversed. Everything is surrounded by two turquoise bars on a turquoise background. Then the three men banged the hammer on the log.

FX/SFX: The zoom out, the banging.
Music/Sounds: As the three men banging, we can hear the sound of a hammer banging. ABC airings used a generic theme and a voiceover.

Availability: Only seen on Off the Map.

Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
(March 3, 2016- )

Nicknames: "The Log II", "The Red Log", "The Blade"

Logo: On a white background, we see a image of a log, this time colored red, bellow a red wooden table. A blade appears and moves in, cutting the log, and we reveal a white log with the words "Minnesota" in a script font with the "M" bigger and below it is "LOGGING" and next to it was "CO." with two lines above and below it. The blade then moves away, leaving only the log and the text.
FX/SFX: The blade cutting the logo.

Music/Sounds: A sound of a blade cutting. On Good Girls, the end theme plays over the logo. ABC and NBC airings used a generic theme.

Availability: Seen on The Family and Good Girls.

Editor's Note: None.