Most Video (Russia)
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Background: Most Video (lit. Bridge Video; Mediabridge in translation) was a DVD distributor in Russia, a subsidiary of Mediamost, the media empire of Vladimir Gusinsky mostly specializing in distributing Warner Home Video releases in Russia. In 1999 Varus Video with its movie rights was taken over by Media Most. When Gusinsky was accused in fraud and fled from Russia, this led to the slow demise of his companies, and Most Video lost distribution rights from Warner Bros., shutting down in 2002.
1st (known) Logo
(1998?-early 2000s)
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="203" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="244" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "Media Eye"
Logo: A red glowing eye is being drawn and the word "МОСТ" ("MOST") moves above it by a curved line, of which is also glowing. A light flash occurs, causing the image to zoom out and revealing the tall rectangle with the green low-poly eyeball below, which increases in polygon count to the perfect sphere. "МОСТ" is sitting curved above the eye, and "ВИДЕО" ("VIDEO") is seen below. At the very bottom of the rectangle, there is a section separated by a green line, and "МЕДИАМОСТ" ("MEDIAMOST") stretches out into it.
FX/SFX: The letters and the eye are being drawn, the light flash and box forming, the words move into the box. Not bad for the time.
Music/Sounds: A dramatic but rather calm tune.
Availability: Seen on VHS releases in the late 90's, when the Varus Video brand was abandoned.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
(Late 90's - 2002)
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="204" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="248" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "The Bird"
Logo: On a dark blue background, many light blue ribbons move, rotate, and draw various figures. Then, the horizontal blue box appears and one of the lines create an eagle's silhouette to its right. The left side of the box stretches, and the shining words "МОСТ ВИДЕО ФИЛЬМ" ("MOST VIDEO FILM"), each on its own line, slide in.
FX/SFX: The moving ribbons, words and box. Looks off-centered.
Music/Sounds: Some kind of a symphony classic, with a strong presence of the piano.
Availability: Seen on later Most Video DVDs, mainly on Banditskiy Petersburg compilations.
Editor's Note: None.
1st (known) Logo
(1998?-early 2000s)

Logo: A red glowing eye is being drawn and the word "МОСТ" ("MOST") moves above it by a curved line, of which is also glowing. A light flash occurs, causing the image to zoom out and revealing the tall rectangle with the green low-poly eyeball below, which increases in polygon count to the perfect sphere. "МОСТ" is sitting curved above the eye, and "ВИДЕО" ("VIDEO") is seen below. At the very bottom of the rectangle, there is a section separated by a green line, and "МЕДИАМОСТ" ("MEDIAMOST") stretches out into it.
FX/SFX: The letters and the eye are being drawn, the light flash and box forming, the words move into the box. Not bad for the time.
Music/Sounds: A dramatic but rather calm tune.
Availability: Seen on VHS releases in the late 90's, when the Varus Video brand was abandoned.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
(Late 90's - 2002)

Logo: On a dark blue background, many light blue ribbons move, rotate, and draw various figures. Then, the horizontal blue box appears and one of the lines create an eagle's silhouette to its right. The left side of the box stretches, and the shining words "МОСТ ВИДЕО ФИЛЬМ" ("MOST VIDEO FILM"), each on its own line, slide in.
FX/SFX: The moving ribbons, words and box. Looks off-centered.
Music/Sounds: Some kind of a symphony classic, with a strong presence of the piano.
Availability: Seen on later Most Video DVDs, mainly on Banditskiy Petersburg compilations.
Editor's Note: None.