National General Television Corp.

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Background: This is the television syndication unit of National General Corporation.


Logo: On a black background, we see four light blue rectangles. Two of the rectangles, morph into a "n", and two of the rectangles morph into a "G". While the rectangles morph, we see the light blue letter "c", forming the National General logo. The words "NATIONAL GENERAL TELEVISION CORPORATION" fade in below the "G", with "TELEVISION CORPORATION" in small print below "NATIONAL GENERAL".

FX/SFX: The morphing of the rectangles.

Music/Sounds: A drumroll, followed by a majestic horn theme.

Availability: Seen on syndicated prints of National General's content like the 1966 TV show Tarzan, as well as National General's theatrical film library.

Editor's Note: None.