PakaPaka (Argentina)

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Background: PakaPaka was a programming block of Encuentro before 2010, where it became a channel.
1st logo

PakaPaka (2010)
Nicknames: "The Bouncy Letters", "The Box"

Logo: We see a box disarming and it transforms in the old logo. The letters bounce and are arranged,then the text "El poder de la imaginación" ("The power of imagination" in Spanish) appears.

FX/SFX: The box disarming, the transforming, the bouncing letters and the text appearing. Nice animation.

Music/Sounds: A sound of a paper disarming,a down falling sound,a low pitched bounce sound and bouncing sounds.

Availability: Extinct. Currently can only be seen on the PakaPaka's YouTube channel.

Scare Factor: None. It's a cute logo.

2nd logo
PakaPaka (2015)PakaPaka (2015)

Nicknames: "Falling Letters"

Logo: We see the letters of the PakaPaka's logo falling and the text "el poder de la imaginación" appearing. 2 seconds later, the text spins for reveal "".

FX/SFX: The letters falling and the text spinning.

Cheesy Factor: The concept is a bit simple.

Music/Sounds: Sparkling sounds.

Availability: Same as the 1st logo.

Scare Factor: None.

3rd logo
PakaPaka (2016)

Nicknames: "Forming Letters"
Logo: Just the letters in new logo forming.

FX/SFX: The letters forming...

Cheesy Factor: ...which is very simple animation.

Music/Sounds: A 9-note happy vibraphone.

Availability: Current. It seen in all PakaPaka's TV Series.

Scare Factor: None. It's a boring logo compared to the previous logos.