Payless Entertainment (Australia)
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Logo descriptions by kidinbed
Logo captures and videos courtesy of AussieRoadshow
Background: Not to be confused with the now-defunct American shoe retailer, Payless ShoeSource.
1st Logo
(Late 1990s?-Early 2000s?)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="231" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="258" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo captures and videos courtesy of AussieRoadshow
Background: Not to be confused with the now-defunct American shoe retailer, Payless ShoeSource.
1st Logo
(Late 1990s?-Early 2000s?)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="231" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="258" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "CGI Globe", "First Time on Windows Movie Maker", "Appropriately Named Logo III"
Logo: On a celadon-blue gradient background, we see a blue/plum purple CGI globe spinning. The words
Logo: On a celadon-blue gradient background, we see a blue/plum purple CGI globe spinning. The words
appear and later fade out.
FX/SFX: The globe spinning, the words fading out.
FX/SFX: The globe spinning, the words fading out.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
(Early 2000s?)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="230" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="287" wmode="transparent"/>
(Early 2000s?)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="230" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="287" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "The Still Payless"
Logo: On a white background, we see the words:
Logo: On a white background, we see the words:
with a vertical line splitting "payless" and "ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED".
FX/SFX: None
Music/Sounds: A futuristic synth theme.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo
(Late 2000s?)

Nickname: "Color Changing Liquid"
Logo: We see what looks like a blue flask of liquid. The liquid becomes purple and then red. When the liquid turns red, the letters "payless" fly one by one. Then, an X-shaped light makes a vertical line and the word "ENTERTAINMENT", then moves away, which makes the word "LIMITED".
FX/SFX: The liquid changing colors, the letters flying, and the laser.
Music/Sounds: A futuristic synth theme that takes some elements from the theme used in the previous logo.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.
with a vertical line splitting "payless" and "ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED".
FX/SFX: None
Music/Sounds: A futuristic synth theme.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo
(Late 2000s?)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="231" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="288" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "Color Changing Liquid"
Logo: We see what looks like a blue flask of liquid. The liquid becomes purple and then red. When the liquid turns red, the letters "payless" fly one by one. Then, an X-shaped light makes a vertical line and the word "ENTERTAINMENT", then moves away, which makes the word "LIMITED".
FX/SFX: The liquid changing colors, the letters flying, and the laser.
Music/Sounds: A futuristic synth theme that takes some elements from the theme used in the previous logo.
Availability: Rare; seen on Australian budget DVDs from this company.
Editor's Note: None.