Prime Entertaniment (Indonesia)
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Logo description and capture by CokeFan12
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Nicknames: "The Tricolor Rainbow", "The Rainbow", "Mountain Rainbow"
Video captures courtesy of Sagan Blob Enterprises

Nicknames: "The Tricolor Rainbow", "The Rainbow", "Mountain Rainbow"
Logo: The Prime Entertainment appears on a cloudy mountain night background, which consists of 3 curved lines placed on top of each other, 1st blue, 2nd red and the final green, along with the text "PRIME" in metallic white below. Gold rays of light appear, engulfing the text from E to P, turning the text gold. The golden text "ENTERTAINMENT" spaced-out slide from the bottom of the screen to below "PRIME". The rays engulf the text again, this time it's reversed, from P to E. The light vanishes as we slowly zoom to the logo.
FX/SFX: The rays of light, the text changing color, "ENTERTAINMENT" sliding up, standard 90s animation.
Music/Sounds: A futuristic theme with wind noises, slowly evolving to a somewhat tense note, something you would hear from a horror/thriller movie.
Availability: Pretty common, and can be found on today's VCDs (or possibly DVDs) in Indonesia. Usually followed by the Top Entertainment logo.
Scare Factor: Low to medium, though may be raised higher for the sudden change in the music.