Producciones Grovas (Mexico)

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Logo descriptions by GoAnimateFan199Pro and CokeFan12
Logo captures by naxo-ole

1st Logo

Producciones Grovas (1937, Opening variant)Producciones Grovas (1937, Closing variant)
Nickname: "The Temple of Kukulcan and the Sun Rising I"
Logo: On a dark background, we see the Temple of Kukulcan (the main monument of the Chichen Itza), and behind it we see a rising sun. Under it is text saying:


Closing variant: On <a href="" target="_self">Amapola del camino</a>, the logo appears on a corner, which is similar to the opening variant, but "Es una" is above the sun, and "PRODUCCION" and "HECHA EN MEXICO" replace "PRODUCCIONES" and "MEXICO DF", respectively. In addition, "PRESENTA" doesn't appear in said variant.

FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie.

Availability: Extremely rare, as this was only seen on <a href="" target="_self">Amapola del camino</a> (Poppy Road) and <a href="" target="_self">La tía de las muchachas</a> (The Aunt of the Girls), which are long out of print, but have been archived on YouTube.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(1942, 1944, 1945-1947)

Producciones Grovas (1942)Producciones Grovas (1944)Producciones Grovas (1945)Producciones Grovas (1948)
Nickname: "The Temple of Kukulcan and the Sun Rising II", "The Masters of the Box Office"
Logo: We see again the Temple of Kukulcan and the sun. But this time we see the sun with longer rays, and above the sun we see clouds and "GROVAS, SA.". Also, "MEXICO. O.F." has been dropped. Below the temple we see "LOS AMOS DE LA TAQUILLA" (which in Spanish means "The Masters of the Box Office").

Later Variants:
  • (1944): The clouds have been removed, "GROVAS, S.A." is moved to the bottom and in a different font, "Producciones", in a script font, has been added to the left side, and "MEXICO. O.F." has been re-added below the company's motto.
  • (1945-1947): The logo is darker and the sun is enhanced. "MEXICO. O.F." is dropped yet again.
  • (1948): The logo has been enhanced more, the script font is slightly moved higher, "S.A." has been replaced with "S.A. OF C.V.", which is stacked, the motto's font size has been decreased, and the sun looks more realistic.
FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie.


Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo
(1949-1953?, 1953?-1957, 1958-Late 1960's)
Cinematográfica Grovas (1949)Producciones Grovas (1956)Cinematográfica Grovas (1962)Cinematográficas Grovas (1958)Producciones Grovas (1959)

Nickname: "The Temple of Kukulcan and the Sun Rising III", "Every Movie a Great Movie"

: The entire logo's looks is almost completely changed with the debut of this logo. The background is the rising sun, spreading its rays all over the screen. The temple is in a different angle and is closer to us. Above it is "GROVAS. S. A." with trails following it. Above that is "CINEMATOGRAFICA" in arch font. Below it is written a new motto, "CADA PELICULA UNA GAAN PELICULA" (Every Movie a Great Movie). "Presenta" is below.

Later Variants:
  • (1953?-1957, 1965): The logo is given a 3D look, and the "Presenta" text is dropped.
  • (1958-Late 1960's): The sun's look is changed to a shining ring, "GROVAS. S.A." is in a different font with no trails, and the motto is moved into a small rectangle.
(1958-Late 1960's) Variants:
  • On Las señoritas Vivanco, (TBA)
  • On Martín Santos, el llanero (Martín Santos, Ranger), the logo is in colour, and below the temple we see the same motto from the 2nd-5th logos, LOS AMOS DE LA TAQUILLA.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie.

  • (1949-1953?): More common to find than the previous logos, but still very rare. Seen on films like Acá las tortas (Here are the Cakes) or Dos pesos dejada (Two Pesos Left) on YouTube.
  • (1953-1957, 1965): Very rare. Seen on films like Pura vida (Pure Life) and Guitarras lloren guitarras (Guitars Cry Guitars) on YouTube.
  • (1958-Late 1960's): Scarce, bordering on very rare. This is the easiest logo to find from the company. Seen on films like Las señoritas Vivanco (The Ladies Vivanco), <a href="" target="_self">El Lobo Blanco</a> (TheWhite wolf) and Pepito y los robaniños (Pepito and the Robaniños).
Editor's Note: None.