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Logo descriptions and captures by CuriousGeorge60 and Muzzarino
Editions by CuriousGeorge60, Lizz Tetlow, Muzzarino and SnowflakesOmega
Ultimate Play the Game
Rare, Ltd.
1st Logo
Logo: On the game's copyright screen, we see the angled rectangular shape with "RARE" in the futuristic font with its white outline around it. Next to it is "LTD.".
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Appears on Jeopardy! and its 25th Anniversary and Junior Editions, and Wheel of Fortune and its Family and Junior Editions for NES. However, the logo is not seen in other titles for NES and Game Boy.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Logo: We see the word "RARE" in the blue-pink gradient color with some stars on it.
Variants: TBA.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: Seen on BattleToads for the Arcades.
Editor's Note: TBA.
3rd Logo
(November 21, 1994-2000)
Nicknames: "The Rare R", "The Golden R"
Logo: Against a black background, we see the green lines drawing the Rareware logo in it's computerized style. Then it flashes in which reveals to be a golden "R" type shape with "RAREWARE" under it on the blue textured rectangular shape with it's gold border around it. The green-computerized styled effect wipes away. Then the logo zooms to the bottom-right corner and the Nintendo logo proceeds, in it's CGI style with "PRESENTS" in Gill Sans Ultra Bold font underneath. It shines.
FX/SFX: Depends on each variant.
Music/Sounds: Depending on variant:
Availability: First seen on Donkey Kong Country for SNES. It can also be seen on other Rare games through the era including Killer Instinct 1 and 2, the Donkey Kong Country trilogy and Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
Nicknames: "The Rare R II", "The Golden R II", "CGI Rare "R", "CGI Golden R", "The Spinning R"
Logo: It's the Rareware logo from before, except the logo is in it's 3D style and normally spinning.
FX/SFX: Depending on each game, but generally, the logo spins.
Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the game. Sometimes none.
Availability: Appears on Rareware games for Nintendo 64 through the era such as Blast Corps, Goldeneye 007, Donkey Kong 64, among others. The still version appears on Star Fox Adventures for Nintendo GameCube. It also appears on Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge and Donkey Kong Country for Game Boy Advance.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo
(October 21, 2003-2010)
Nicknames: "The Rare R III", "The Golden R III"
Logo: We see the same gold "R" shape from before, except this time it has the gradient effect. Under it is the word, "RARE" and there's the "TM" symbol on the top-left of the logo.
Variants: Depending on each game, there is a different variant of the logo:
FX/SFX: Depends on each variant.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: It first appeared on Grabbed by the Ghoulies for Xbox and it's seen on Rare games through the era. It also appears on Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3 for Game Boy Advance as well.
Editor's Note: None.
6th Logo
(November 4, 2010-April 8, 2014)
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: It only appeared on 3 games,Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports: Season 2for the Xbox 360 and Kinect Sports Rivals for the Xbox One.
Editor's Note: TBA.
Logo: We see the Golden R from the previous logos, with some blue filling on the left. The word "RARE" also in blue is on the bottom and is spaced-out.
Trivia: The logo was made to celebrate Rare's 30th Anniversary.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: Common. First seen on Rare Replay for the Xbox One.
Editor's Note: TBA.
Editions by CuriousGeorge60, Lizz Tetlow, Muzzarino and SnowflakesOmega
Background: Rare, Ltd. formerly known as "Rareware" from 1994 to 2003, was founded in 1982 by Chris and Tim Stamper as Ultimate Play the Game. However, when it's renamed to its current name, it was known for games like the Battletoads series, the Wizards & Warriors series and other games for NES and Game Boy systems. In 1994, when the company is renamed to "Rareware", the company was experimenting with Silicon Graphics, which resulted into the Donkey Kong Country series, and the Killer Instinct series. By then, it became Nintendo's third-party developer. The later years, it was also known for the Banjo-Kazooie series, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps, Goldeneye 007, Conker's Bad Fur Day (Which was later enhanced for the Xbox as Conker: Live and Reloaded), and other titles through the era. In September 2002, the company was acquired by Microsoft Game Studios (Now "Microsoft Studios") and began developing titles for Xbox and Xbox 360 like Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Kameo: Elements of Power, and Viva Pinata. However, they still did titles for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance like It's Mr. Pants (originally planned as Donkey Kong: Coconut Crackers) and Banjo Pilot (originally planned as Diddy Kong Pilot). The company, then known as "Rare, Ltd." never used the logo until 1987. In 2007 the two co-founders left the company, and in 2010 the staff was heavily reduced and turned into exclusive development of Kinect titles for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, until 2014 where they phased out Kinect production after the failure of Kinect Sports Rivals and reshifted their focus of regular game development.
Rare, Ltd.
1st Logo
Logo: On the game's copyright screen, we see the angled rectangular shape with "RARE" in the futuristic font with its white outline around it. Next to it is "LTD.".
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Appears on Jeopardy! and its 25th Anniversary and Junior Editions, and Wheel of Fortune and its Family and Junior Editions for NES. However, the logo is not seen in other titles for NES and Game Boy.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Logo: We see the word "RARE" in the blue-pink gradient color with some stars on it.
Variants: TBA.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: Seen on BattleToads for the Arcades.
Editor's Note: TBA.
3rd Logo
(November 21, 1994-2000)
Nicknames: "The Rare R", "The Golden R"
Logo: Against a black background, we see the green lines drawing the Rareware logo in it's computerized style. Then it flashes in which reveals to be a golden "R" type shape with "RAREWARE" under it on the blue textured rectangular shape with it's gold border around it. The green-computerized styled effect wipes away. Then the logo zooms to the bottom-right corner and the Nintendo logo proceeds, in it's CGI style with "PRESENTS" in Gill Sans Ultra Bold font underneath. It shines.
- On the SNES Version of Killer Instinct, the logo appears zooming and spinning from the top-center corner and when it reaches the middle, the logo flashes. Then the logo zooms to the bottom-left corner and flashes again. Then we proceed into the game's title logo.
- On Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run, the logo appears filling in by the smoke-like effect. When the logo fully appears, the logo shines. Then the logo disappears via the iris-spotlight effect.
- An 8-bit version of the logo described above can be seen on Donkey Kong Country for the GBC. Also, the Rare logo fades out then the Nintendo logo fades in.
- On Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, Dixie Kong and Kiddy Kong are bouncing on the logo. Then the logo pushes them off when it reaches the center send them flying away. Then the logo zooms in as it fades out.
- On Killer Instinct 2, the light rays travel through showing the logo in it's print style. After it's done, the logo flashes in pink.
FX/SFX: Depends on each variant.
Music/Sounds: Depending on variant:
- On Donkey Kong Country, an 8 note horn fanfare plays, followed by a crescendo of horn notes and drumroll, with the last horn note being held.
- On Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, a majestic-sounding synth horn fanfare plays throughout.
- On Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, only bouncing sounds play through the logo.
- All of the other games have either the game's theme playing over, or complete silence.
Availability: First seen on Donkey Kong Country for SNES. It can also be seen on other Rare games through the era including Killer Instinct 1 and 2, the Donkey Kong Country trilogy and Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
Nicknames: "The Rare R II", "The Golden R II", "CGI Rare "R", "CGI Golden R", "The Spinning R"
Logo: It's the Rareware logo from before, except the logo is in it's 3D style and normally spinning.
- Since 1997, the "TM" symbol is added to the top-right of the logo.
- The early days of the logo is where the inside part is plain blue and the border is less thicker. This version was used on KI: Gold and Blast Corps.
- On Killer Instinct Gold, the logo appears filling in through smoke like the Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run variant from the 3rd logo. Then the logo rotates away to the right. Under the logo is the copyright notice.
- On Blast Corps, the logo zooms in and spins the whole time.
- On Goldeneye 007, the logo fades in spinning.
- On Diddy Kong Racing, the logo appears against a sky background as the camera pans up from below.
- On Banjo-Kazooie, the logo pops up, without spinning, after the N64 logo walks past. A Buzzbomb that had flown past the N64 earlier now flies towards the screen and crashes headfirst into it, causing the logo to fall forward and the Buzzbomb to fall backwards.
- On Donkey Kong 64, the logo zooms in and its spinning. Plus, there are a few shines traveling through.
- On Perfect Dark, the logo appears and disappears via the spotlight-like transition and is rotating backwards.
- On Conker's Bad Fur Day, the Nintendo 64 logo appears under a light. The light goes out, and the logo shrieks when it hears the noise of a chainsaw. A chainsaw then cuts the logo in half as it is shaking. When the logo splits, it reveals that Conker was the wielder of the chainsaw. As he pushes the two halves out of sight, he yells, "Stupid logo!" He then throws the chainsaw and says, "Yes, that's better." Finally, he pulls the Rareware logo out of his pocket, rubs his finger on the "R," making it shine, and says, "Marvelous!" as he leans on the logo and winks at the camera while a circle closes on his face Looney Tunes-style.
- On Jet Force Gemini and Mickey's Speedway USA. The logo is in it's CGI animation style and there are sparkle-effects. On the former, the copyright is under the logo. This variant also appears on the prototype version of Diddy Kong Pilot for GBA.
- There is a still artwork version of the logo that appeared on Star Fox Adventures.
- On the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country, the logo takes place on a Jungle Background and the logo is in the gray stone-style. Plus, the pieces of the logo fly in to form the logo. Then the logo fades away.
FX/SFX: Depending on each game, but generally, the logo spins.
Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the game. Sometimes none.
Availability: Appears on Rareware games for Nintendo 64 through the era such as Blast Corps, Goldeneye 007, Donkey Kong 64, among others. The still version appears on Star Fox Adventures for Nintendo GameCube. It also appears on Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge and Donkey Kong Country for Game Boy Advance.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo
(October 21, 2003-2010)

Nicknames: "The Rare R III", "The Golden R III"
Logo: We see the same gold "R" shape from before, except this time it has the gradient effect. Under it is the word, "RARE" and there's the "TM" symbol on the top-left of the logo.
Variants: Depending on each game, there is a different variant of the logo:
- Kameo: Elements of Power: The logo, made of stone, hangs on a flower field. An elf flies and sits onto the "R" letter, making it golden, then flies off and stands on the ground.
- Perfect Dark Zero: We start on an early times arcade game (which is the footage from the game, Jetpac), where a white sprite man on a jetpack moves shooting and collecting things. The arcade game shifts and goes off to the left and we see the highly pixelated man flying and shooting above the swinging Rare logo. After a few seconds he disappears and the Rare logo sets solidly in place. The man then flies to the left, bringing the "RARE" name, which glows green.
- Viva Piñata: We see a confused pinata animal (either a horse or a hedgehog) hanging on a wire against the wall. The wand appears, driving the animal into anxious panic, and strucks it to pieces, which fall to the ground with sweets and golden "R" letter. Another game animals pass and collect the sweets, leaving the shards to explode. The word, "RARE" pops under the single remaining fragment - the golden letter.
FX/SFX: Depends on each variant.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: It first appeared on Grabbed by the Ghoulies for Xbox and it's seen on Rare games through the era. It also appears on Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3 for Game Boy Advance as well.
Editor's Note: None.
6th Logo
(November 4, 2010-April 8, 2014)
Nicknames: "The Rare R IV", "The R in the Shape"
Logo: We start by zooming through many shapes (colors may vary) Then one shape lights up, and we zoom to it. Then we see the word "Rare" next to a shape with the "R" trademark from the previous logos in white in it. For example, these shapes are:
Logo: We start by zooming through many shapes (colors may vary) Then one shape lights up, and we zoom to it. Then we see the word "Rare" next to a shape with the "R" trademark from the previous logos in white in it. For example, these shapes are:
- Green circle
- Orange circle
- Bright-purple circle
- Pinkcircle
- Greendiamond
- Orangediamond
- Bright-purplediamond
- Pinkdiamond
- Greenoctagon
- Orangehexagon
- Bright-purplehexagon
- Pinkoctagon
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: It only appeared on 3 games,Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports: Season 2for the Xbox 360 and Kinect Sports Rivals for the Xbox One.
Editor's Note: TBA.
7th Logo
(August 4, 2015-)
Nicknames: "The Rare R V", "The Golden R Returns", "The Golden R IV"
(August 4, 2015-)
Nicknames: "The Rare R V", "The Golden R Returns", "The Golden R IV"
Logo: We see the Golden R from the previous logos, with some blue filling on the left. The word "RARE" also in blue is on the bottom and is spaced-out.
Trivia: The logo was made to celebrate Rare's 30th Anniversary.
Music/Sounds: TBA.
Availability: Common. First seen on Rare Replay for the Xbox One.
Editor's Note: TBA.