Rubber Duck Entertainment (UK)
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Logo description, capture, and video capture by LogosSuper142
Background: Rubber Duck Entertainment was the children's division of Contender.
<iframe frameborder="0" height="175" src="" width="311"></iframe>
Logo: On a black background, we see a yellow rubber duck with the words "loved forever" on it in red on a teal square with rounded corners. The duck moves around, like it's swimming in water. The square widens to become a rectangle, and the words "RUBBER DUCK ENTERTAINMENT" fade in on it in white.
Variant: On Season 2 of Peppa Pig and Season 1 of Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom, the logo is still.
FX/SFX: The duck and the rectangle moving, and the words fading in.
Music/Sounds: An accordion, spoons, trumpets, and hiccuping sounds played to the tune of "Aquarela do Brasil" finishing off with a keyboard note followed by a quack sound.
Music/Sounds Variant: On Peppa Pig, the end theme of the show is used.
Availability: Can be seen on 2005-2009 DVDs of Peppa Pig. The in-credit version appears on Season 2 of said show and the first season of Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom.
Editor's Note: The music is a bit strange especially with the hiccupping, though it's meant to be funny.
Background: Rubber Duck Entertainment was the children's division of Contender.

Variant: On Season 2 of Peppa Pig and Season 1 of Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom, the logo is still.
FX/SFX: The duck and the rectangle moving, and the words fading in.
Music/Sounds: An accordion, spoons, trumpets, and hiccuping sounds played to the tune of "Aquarela do Brasil" finishing off with a keyboard note followed by a quack sound.
Music/Sounds Variant: On Peppa Pig, the end theme of the show is used.
Availability: Can be seen on 2005-2009 DVDs of Peppa Pig. The in-credit version appears on Season 2 of said show and the first season of Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom.
Editor's Note: The music is a bit strange especially with the hiccupping, though it's meant to be funny.