Russobit-M (Russia)

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Background: Russobit-M was the biggest Russian game localizer. In 2011, they stopped making games and concentrated more on selling tablets. The company finally ceased its operations in 2013.

1st (and only) Logo
Russobit-M (2005)

Logo: A streak of light comes in and reveals "Русс бит-М" (instead of "О", there is a stylized disc-musical note combo that forms rounded rectangle between "Русс" and "бит-М"). "ПРОЕКТ-МУЛЬТИМЕДИА" flies underneath the words and the shape.

FX/SFX: CGI animation.

Variant: There is a still version also used on the covers. "ПРОЕКТ МУЛЬТИМЕДИА" can be replaced with the website sometimes.

Music/Sounds: A squeally whoosh ("Ancient Mind" off Spectrasonics' Distorted Reality 1 sample CD) followed by a note when the streak comes, followed by a glass shard-like noise mixed with a UFO-ish sweep ("Glass Bender" and "Saucers", both off Spectrasonics' Distorted Reality 1 sample CD) when the words underneath come.

Availability: Seen on every Russobit-M game, like the localized version of SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie (game).

Editor's Note: TBA