Scholastic Media
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Logo descriptions by Logoboy95, AsdfTheRevival, and WizardDuck
Logo captures by Eric S., AsdfTheRevival, Shadeed A. Kelly, megamanj2004, Scholastic and Unnepad.
Background: Scholastic Media (formerly Scholastic Productions and Scholastic Entertainment) is the media, television and film production unit of American book publisher Scholastic.
1st Logo
(October 3, 1982-May 25, 1991)
Nicknames: "80s Book", "Scholastic Book"
Logo: On a black background, we see a white book with the words "A SCHOLASTIC PRODUCTIONS PRESENTATION" (in a black weird font) and black filmstrips zooming out in each other. It then disappears, as the filmstrips fade out. We see the word "Scholastic" displayed below in a red Times New Roman font as the name fades in.
Music/Sounds: The end-title theme of any show or TV special.
Availability: It's saved on programs at the time, such as the 1988 Clifford the Big Red Dog TV special, Charles in Charge on it's DVD prints, My Secret Identity, and Voyagers!. The in-credit text was seen on The Special Magic of Herself the Elf.
Editors Note: None.
2nd Logo
(January 1, 1990-October 8, 1999)
Nicknames: "The Red Rectangle", "Scholastic Book II"
Logo: On a black background, we see a red rectangle fall down from the top of the screen. Then, the book from the previous logo and the white text "S C H O L A S T I C" starts sliding in from the right. The text and rectangle merge together. The final product resembles the way the Scholastic logo looks on book covers.
FX/SFX: The rectangle falling, the text moving in.
Music/Sounds: A light synth-piano theme, or the end theme of the show. On post-1997 Weston Woods videos, the logo starts out with a piano theme before transitioning into the Weston Woods theme.
Availability: Uncommon. It appears on Goosebumps on DVD and VHS, and the infamous live-action Animorphs series on Netflix and occasionally on Qubo. The version with the piano theme appeared on The Baby-Sitters Club which was released on VHS by KidVision. It is also seen before post-1997 Weston Woods videos, and segues into said company's logo.
Editors Note: None.
3rd Logo
(September 10, 1994-December 6, 1997)
Nickname: "The Magic School Bus Logo"
Logo: On a blue background with colorful stars all over it, we see the Scholastic logo at the bottom left corner of the screen. In the middle of the screen is the logo to The Magic School Bus, which consists of a circle with the titular Bus, shaped like a rocketship and with the main characters in their original book forms visible through the windows, protruding through. Above the bus is the text "The Magic", and "School Bus" below.
Variant: On later episodes of the series, Liz pops out from behind the circle and waves at us.
FX/SFX: None except on the variant.
Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on all episodes of The Magic School Bus on DVD and Netflix.
Editors Note: This is a popular logo with Magic School Bus fans and is a favorite of those who grew up watching the show.
4th Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="191" src="" width="338"></iframe>
Nicknames: "Scholastic Starfield", "Scholastic Book III", "Space-lastic"
Logo: On a background filled with stars, we see the white text "S C H O L A S T I C" in its standard corporate font, with the book logo to the left of it. After a few seconds, the red strip appears behind the text.
Variant: There was a shortened version of this logo which begins after the red strip appears.
FX/SFX: The stars moving.
Music/Sounds: A loud whoosh. The short version is silent.
Availability: Seen on KidVision tapes of The Magic School Bus. The original variant appeared on earlier VHS releases of the show (identifiable with the titular Bus beeping near the end of the KidVision logo on a trailer for Magic School Bus tapes), while the short version appeared on later releases of the series (identifiable with the Magic School Bus trailer at the beginning of those tapes starting with the line "Here's your ride...there's your guide!").
Editors Note: None.
5th Logo
(1998-January 2004)
Nicknames: "The Strip", "Scholastic Book IV", "Scholastic Strip"
Logo: On a black background, the Scholastic logo flies around before settling in the center of the screen.
FX/SFX: The flying logo.
Music/Sounds: None, but sometimes the theme song plays over. On the Clifford video games: Clifford Reading and Clifford's Thinking Adventures, we hear a tambourine, followed by a horn fanfare accompanied with a strange sound effect.
Availability: Still preserved on reruns of Clifford the Big Red Dog on PBS stations and on VHS and DVD, and the 2003 adaption of I Spy. There is a video game made by last title, which also has the logo. Also seen on Clifford's Thinking Adventures and Clifford Reading.
Nicknames: "The Shining Logo", "Scholastic Book VI"
FX/SFX: The shining.
Music/Sounds: An uplifting string fanfare is sometimes use but more often than not, the closing theme of the show is used, or none. The Weston Woods releases startwith the same piano tune from the WW variant of the 2nd logo then the Weston Woods theme.
Availability: Uncommon. It was last seen on Astroblast on Sprout. Appeared on Clifford's Puppy Days and Maya & Miguel on PBS, and the version with the music can be seen on software produced by Scholastic (such as Nickelodeon: Toon Twister 3-D and others) and Clifford's Really Big Movie.
Editors Note: None.
8th Logo
(October 3, 2008-May 4, 2011)
Nicknames: "The Flipping Letters", "Scholastic Book VII"
Logo: On a white background, we see the Scholastic strip logo, without the company name in it. Then, "S C H O L A S T I C" appears in it letter-by-letter.
Variant: On Sammy's Story Shop, there is a web address for Scholastic's website.
FX/SFX: The letters appearing.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of a show finishes over the logo. Sometimes, there will be kids laughing and a kid saying "Reading. It's a way of life" or Reading. Everybody's doing it!.
Availability: Seen on Sammy's Story Shop and Turbo Dogs. The music version appears on some commercials for Scholastic, which aired in 2008 in between programs on Qubo.
Editors Note: None.
9th Logo
(October 16, 2015)
Nickname: "Scholastic Book VIII"
Logo: Scrolling up in the credits, we see the Scholastic logo, only it's transparent against a black background and the outlines and text are all green.
FX/SFX: Just the logo scrolling.
Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the movie.
Availability: Seen at the end of the 2015 film version of Goosebumps.
Editors Note: None.
Logo captures by Eric S., AsdfTheRevival, Shadeed A. Kelly, megamanj2004, Scholastic and Unnepad.
Background: Scholastic Media (formerly Scholastic Productions and Scholastic Entertainment) is the media, television and film production unit of American book publisher Scholastic.
1st Logo
(October 3, 1982-May 25, 1991)
Nicknames: "80s Book", "Scholastic Book"
Logo: On a black background, we see a white book with the words "A SCHOLASTIC PRODUCTIONS PRESENTATION" (in a black weird font) and black filmstrips zooming out in each other. It then disappears, as the filmstrips fade out. We see the word "Scholastic" displayed below in a red Times New Roman font as the name fades in.
- A still variant with the filmstrips remaining, the left side of the book black and the right side red, and the text "Scholastic Productions and" under the book was seen.
- An in-credit text has been seen on the special The Special Magic of Herself the Elf.
- On Voyagers!, the filmstrip variant logo is black and was placed on a white background with the text "in association with" above and "Scholastic Productions" below.
Music/Sounds: The end-title theme of any show or TV special.
Availability: It's saved on programs at the time, such as the 1988 Clifford the Big Red Dog TV special, Charles in Charge on it's DVD prints, My Secret Identity, and Voyagers!. The in-credit text was seen on The Special Magic of Herself the Elf.
Editors Note: None.
2nd Logo
(January 1, 1990-October 8, 1999)
Nicknames: "The Red Rectangle", "Scholastic Book II"
Logo: On a black background, we see a red rectangle fall down from the top of the screen. Then, the book from the previous logo and the white text "S C H O L A S T I C" starts sliding in from the right. The text and rectangle merge together. The final product resembles the way the Scholastic logo looks on book covers.
FX/SFX: The rectangle falling, the text moving in.
Music/Sounds: A light synth-piano theme, or the end theme of the show. On post-1997 Weston Woods videos, the logo starts out with a piano theme before transitioning into the Weston Woods theme.
Availability: Uncommon. It appears on Goosebumps on DVD and VHS, and the infamous live-action Animorphs series on Netflix and occasionally on Qubo. The version with the piano theme appeared on The Baby-Sitters Club which was released on VHS by KidVision. It is also seen before post-1997 Weston Woods videos, and segues into said company's logo.
Editors Note: None.
3rd Logo
(September 10, 1994-December 6, 1997)
Nickname: "The Magic School Bus Logo"
Logo: On a blue background with colorful stars all over it, we see the Scholastic logo at the bottom left corner of the screen. In the middle of the screen is the logo to The Magic School Bus, which consists of a circle with the titular Bus, shaped like a rocketship and with the main characters in their original book forms visible through the windows, protruding through. Above the bus is the text "The Magic", and "School Bus" below.
Variant: On later episodes of the series, Liz pops out from behind the circle and waves at us.
FX/SFX: None except on the variant.
Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on all episodes of The Magic School Bus on DVD and Netflix.
Editors Note: This is a popular logo with Magic School Bus fans and is a favorite of those who grew up watching the show.
4th Logo
![Scholastic Productions (1994-1997)](/images/thumb/c/c2/OldRMDG48zfAEkiDeyRvKQ7293.jpeg/262px-OldRMDG48zfAEkiDeyRvKQ7293.jpeg)
Nicknames: "Scholastic Starfield", "Scholastic Book III", "Space-lastic"
Variant: There was a shortened version of this logo which begins after the red strip appears.
FX/SFX: The stars moving.
Music/Sounds: A loud whoosh. The short version is silent.
Availability: Seen on KidVision tapes of The Magic School Bus. The original variant appeared on earlier VHS releases of the show (identifiable with the titular Bus beeping near the end of the KidVision logo on a trailer for Magic School Bus tapes), while the short version appeared on later releases of the series (identifiable with the Magic School Bus trailer at the beginning of those tapes starting with the line "Here's your ride...there's your guide!").
Editors Note: None.
5th Logo
(1998-January 2004)
Nicknames: "The Strip", "Scholastic Book IV", "Scholastic Strip"
Logo: On a black background, the Scholastic logo flies around before settling in the center of the screen.
FX/SFX: The flying logo.
Music/Sounds: None, but sometimes the theme song plays over. On the Clifford video games: Clifford Reading and Clifford's Thinking Adventures, we hear a tambourine, followed by a horn fanfare accompanied with a strange sound effect.
Availability: Still preserved on reruns of Clifford the Big Red Dog on PBS stations and on VHS and DVD, and the 2003 adaption of I Spy. There is a video game made by last title, which also has the logo. Also seen on Clifford's Thinking Adventures and Clifford Reading.
Editors Note: None.
6th Logo
(July 12, 2004)
Nickname: "Scholastic Book V"
Logo: Just the Scholastic logo on a black background.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: It appeared on Stellaluna.
Editors Note: None.
<iframe frameborder="0" height="227" src="" width="401"></iframe>
7th Logo
(September 15, 2003-February 7, 2015)
![Scholastic (2007)](/images/thumb/d/d3/85ZWMFnccPK4c2yIvcciPg27466.jpeg/293px-85ZWMFnccPK4c2yIvcciPg27466.jpeg)
Nicknames: "The Shining Logo", "Scholastic Book VI"
Logo: Over a black-red background, we see a glowing Scholastic logo with light in various angles and rotating shadows.
FX/SFX: The shining.
Music/Sounds: An uplifting string fanfare is sometimes use but more often than not, the closing theme of the show is used, or none. The Weston Woods releases startwith the same piano tune from the WW variant of the 2nd logo then the Weston Woods theme.
Availability: Uncommon. It was last seen on Astroblast on Sprout. Appeared on Clifford's Puppy Days and Maya & Miguel on PBS, and the version with the music can be seen on software produced by Scholastic (such as Nickelodeon: Toon Twister 3-D and others) and Clifford's Really Big Movie.
Editors Note: None.
8th Logo
(October 3, 2008-May 4, 2011)
Nicknames: "The Flipping Letters", "Scholastic Book VII"
Logo: On a white background, we see the Scholastic strip logo, without the company name in it. Then, "S C H O L A S T I C" appears in it letter-by-letter.
Variant: On Sammy's Story Shop, there is a web address for Scholastic's website.
FX/SFX: The letters appearing.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of a show finishes over the logo. Sometimes, there will be kids laughing and a kid saying "Reading. It's a way of life" or Reading. Everybody's doing it!.
Availability: Seen on Sammy's Story Shop and Turbo Dogs. The music version appears on some commercials for Scholastic, which aired in 2008 in between programs on Qubo.
Editors Note: None.
9th Logo
(October 16, 2015)
Nickname: "Scholastic Book VIII"
Logo: Scrolling up in the credits, we see the Scholastic logo, only it's transparent against a black background and the outlines and text are all green.
FX/SFX: Just the logo scrolling.
Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the movie.
Availability: Seen at the end of the 2015 film version of Goosebumps.
Editors Note: None.