Se Gul Film (South Korea)

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Logo Description by: logomax2002
Video Courtesy of:SnowflakesOmega


NOTE: Logo can be seen <a href="" target="_self">here</a>. Logo at 13:54

Logo: In a black-blue background, we see some grey lines with pink squares. The objects combined into a filmstrip.The filmstripcomes towards us, and multiple yellow circles in fourths were added into the filmstrip. After the first two circles, the numbers were added in the circles. The numbers countdown from four, three, and two. After we made it from two, the circle on the filmstrip is absent, and it fades in to the logo. The logo has a red square with the black stylized "S" with square holes on the sides (Like the filmstrip), and the red words "SE GUL FILM" on a translucent rectangle with red borders on a blue background. The entire logo zooms out. When the logo finished zooming out, theKorean words cheaply drops out and zooms up to the bottom of the logo.

FX/SFX: Cheap CGI animation, even for South Korea standards.

Music/Sounds: The SGE Home Video music.

Availability: Extremely Rare. Can be found on some Korean VHS tapes from this company.

Editor's Note: None.