Shaftesbury Films (Canada)

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Background: Shaftesbury Films is a Canadian film and television company founded by Christine Jennings in 1987.

1st (known) Logo
(Early 2000's-2009)

Nickname: "The Bell"

Logo: Against a black background, we see a large yellow picture of a bell swaying inside an invisible box. The bell then suddenly stops moving as the text "SHAFTESBURY" appears below in yellow.

FX/SFX: The bell moving.

Music/Sounds: A calm piano/string fanfare with a bell ringing. Other times it may use the closing theme of the show/movie or silence.

Availability: Seen on Shaftesbury movies and TV series from the era, such as Life with Derek.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Logo: We see the dark blue word "Shaftesbury" moving very close to the camera and placing itself in the blue space, above the moving planet.

Variant: On kid-oriented series from the company post-2009, 4 multicolored cards with the letters of the word "KIDS" in them fly underneath "Shaftesbury".

FX/SFX: The text and planet moving, which looks very corporate.

Music/Sounds: A peaceful string fanfare, the ending theme of the show, or silence. The Shaftesbury Kids variation has a whimsical arrangement of the fanfare.

Availability: Common. Seen on series from the company from the era.

Editor's Note: None.