Shapiro Glickenhaus Television
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Logo description by Eric S.
Logo capture by Dean Rumsey
Background: The TV division of Shapiro Glickenhaus Entertainment.
(1989-(possibly) 1995)
<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="222" src="" width="298"></iframe>
Logo: It's the same as the home video counterpart of the time. The only difference is that word "TELEVISION" zooms out into the bottom of the logo in the same manner instead of the words "HOME VIDEO".
FX/SFX: The spinning of the reel, zooming out, and laser streaks.
Music/Sounds: Same as the home video logo.
Availability: Possibly extinct. Give yourself a pat on the back if you locate this anywhere. The only known copy to date was found on a 1995 TNT broadcast of No Retreat, No Surrender 2: Raging Thunder. It was probably also seen on TV prints of other films from SGE Entertainment's catalog.
Editor's Note: Same as the home video logo.
Logo capture by Dean Rumsey
Background: The TV division of Shapiro Glickenhaus Entertainment.
(1989-(possibly) 1995)

Logo: It's the same as the home video counterpart of the time. The only difference is that word "TELEVISION" zooms out into the bottom of the logo in the same manner instead of the words "HOME VIDEO".
FX/SFX: The spinning of the reel, zooming out, and laser streaks.
Music/Sounds: Same as the home video logo.
Availability: Possibly extinct. Give yourself a pat on the back if you locate this anywhere. The only known copy to date was found on a 1995 TNT broadcast of No Retreat, No Surrender 2: Raging Thunder. It was probably also seen on TV prints of other films from SGE Entertainment's catalog.
Editor's Note: Same as the home video logo.