Skouras Pictures
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Logo descriptions by Codyfinke6 and BudTheChud1989
Edition and captures by Eric S., TheEriccorpinc, and Bud the Chud1989
Background: An indie distribution company founded by Tom Skouras in 1983.
1st Logo
(Late 1980s-1989)
<iframe frameborder="0" height="250" src="" width="453"></iframe>Logo: On a black background, we see the text:
3rd Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="204" src="" width="363"></iframe>Logo: TBA
FX/SFX: All in 3D gold. There is a shiny effect before it ends.
Edition and captures by Eric S., TheEriccorpinc, and Bud the Chud1989
Background: An indie distribution company founded by Tom Skouras in 1983.
1st Logo
(Late 1980s-1989)

Variant: There is also a variant with a more slanted and stylized look to it. However, as far as this Wiki can tell, this was mostly used on posters and some VHS boxes, and never as an actual on-screen logo.
Trivia: This logo is somewhat similar to the October Films logo, as it uses the same font and mostly the same text design.

<iframe frameborder="0" height="166" src="" width="297"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="" width="297"></iframe>
Variant: There is also a variant with a more slanted and stylized look to it. However, as far as this Wiki can tell, this was mostly used on posters and some VHS boxes, and never as an actual on-screen logo.
Trivia: This logo is somewhat similar to the October Films logo, as it uses the same font and mostly the same text design.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: Silent, or the film's opening theme/background noise.
Availability: Can be found on possibly international prints of Night of the Demons (where it plasters the Paragon Arts logo) as well as Mutant on the Bounty, the international version of The Outing (AKA: The Lamp) (Don't expect it on the Scream Factory Blu-Ray as it goes directly to the movie), Deranged (1987), and The Laughing Dead, among others. It may also be seen on foreign prints of Star Crystal, Beverly Hills Brats, Destroyer, and Jackals (AKA: American Justice), among possible others.
Editor's Note: TBA
2nd Logo
Music/Sounds: Silent, or the film's opening theme/background noise.
Availability: Can be found on possibly international prints of Night of the Demons (where it plasters the Paragon Arts logo) as well as Mutant on the Bounty, the international version of The Outing (AKA: The Lamp) (Don't expect it on the Scream Factory Blu-Ray as it goes directly to the movie), Deranged (1987), and The Laughing Dead, among others. It may also be seen on foreign prints of Star Crystal, Beverly Hills Brats, Destroyer, and Jackals (AKA: American Justice), among possible others.
Editor's Note: TBA
2nd Logo

<iframe frameborder="0" height="166" src="" width="297"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="" width="297"></iframe>
Logo: We see a yellow background, followed by the words "SKOURAS" and "P--I--C--T--U--R--E--S" sliding in opposite directions.
Variant: On some films, the logo is on a more blood red looking background. A still variant can be seen on trailers for films from this outfit, sometimes with "Coming Soon from [..]" above it.
FX/SFX: The text moving.
Music/Sounds: An anxious percussion theme that grows in volume. Sometimes there will be background noise/music from the film or no music at all.
FX/SFX: The text moving.
Music/Sounds: An anxious percussion theme that grows in volume. Sometimes there will be background noise/music from the film or no music at all.
Availability: Found on Highway 61, Diving In, The End of Innocence and Apartment Zero, among others. The still variant can be seen on the trailers for films from this company released in the 90s, including Sweet Killing, Joey Breaker, and Jailbait (AKA: Streetwise), even though those particular films themselves use the next logo.
Editor's Note: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
<iframe frameborder="0" height="204" src="" width="363"></iframe>Logo: TBA
FX/SFX: All in 3D gold. There is a shiny effect before it ends.
Variant: A short or still variant exists. Either one is mainly seen on trailers.
Music/Sounds: Usually none.Availability: Found on Jailbait, Fatal Past, Joey Breaker and Cold Sweat, among others. It's also seen on the Paramount Home Video release of The Silver Brumby (The Artisan Entertainment DVD plasters it with the Barnholtz Entertainment logo instead).
Editor's Note: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA