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Background: Soup2Nuts was the continuation of Tom Snyder Productions after it was purchased by Scholastic. In 2015, unfortunately, Scholastic announced that the studio would be shut down amid a restructuring of Scholastic.

<embed height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="243" wmode="transparent"/><embed height="204" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="246" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "The Shaking Can"
Logo: On a gray or green background, a can saying
FX/SFX: The zoom in and shake.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show, or on shows such as Home Movies, a "shaking noise.
Availability: Seen on all the shows Soup2Nuts has made, including WordGirl! on PBS, Home Movies on Adult Swim and Astroblast! on Sprout. Also showed up on a few Weston Woods shorts, too.
Editor's Note: None.
Logo captures by RedheadXilamGuy
(January 6, 2002-February 7, 2015)

Nickname: "The Shaking Can"
Logo: On a gray or green background, a can saying
zooms in and shakes.FX/SFX: The zoom in and shake.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show, or on shows such as Home Movies, a "shaking noise.
Availability: Seen on all the shows Soup2Nuts has made, including WordGirl! on PBS, Home Movies on Adult Swim and Astroblast! on Sprout. Also showed up on a few Weston Woods shorts, too.
Editor's Note: None.