Syme Home Video (Australia)

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Written by mr3urious
Logo Pictures by AussieRoadshow and Eric S.

(Early-Mid 1980s)
Logo: We see a shot of a purplish floor with black horizontal lines against a space sky. Two stars shoot out toward us and a white wireframe grid turns upward toward the ground. A third star sweeps across the screen from the right, and the words "SYME" zoom forth and shine with a ping on the S. "HOME" and "VIDEO" then folds out from under it as the grid disappears.

FX/SFX: The stars, the grid, the zooming.

Music/Sounds: An eerie synth that rises in pitch, which ends with a loud
Charter Entertainment-like synth.

Availability: Rare; seen on old PAL tapes released in Australia and New Zealand.

Editor's Note: TBA