Vestron Music Video
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Logo description by Eddie Hawkins and Shadeed A. Kelly
Logo capture by Eric S.
Background: Vestron Music Video was a label set up by Vestron Video to distribute music-related videos such as concert films.
<iframe frameborder="0" height="170" src="" width="221"></iframe>Logo: On a red background, several black and white upside-down triangles, one after the other, form an upside-down triangle with a trail. A music note bisects this, making a trailed "V".
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Actually quite rare. Vestron Music Video only released six tapes of music-related content. Note that sometimes the logo appears only as a print logo; for example, the tape Making Michael Jackson's Thriller has the logo on the box, but starts with the normal Vestron Video logo.
Editor's Note: None.
Logo capture by Eric S.
Background: Vestron Music Video was a label set up by Vestron Video to distribute music-related videos such as concert films.

V E S T R O N--
M U S I C V I D E O™
in white is shown above.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Actually quite rare. Vestron Music Video only released six tapes of music-related content. Note that sometimes the logo appears only as a print logo; for example, the tape Making Michael Jackson's Thriller has the logo on the box, but starts with the normal Vestron Video logo.
Editor's Note: None.