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<iframe frameborder="0" height="205" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/c24f0b27d07468f22a8fefddf9d7c19d2c9681d3" width="350"></iframe>
Nicknames: "The Highway", "Flaming Text"
Logo: We fade into a live action shot of cars driving all over a highway in downtown Atlanta. On the bottom part of the screen, "FROM ATLANTA WPBA", colored bloodredwith a drop shadow, appears via a weird "flame" effect.
FX/SFX: Other than the appearance of the WPBA text, it's all live-action.
Music/Sounds: A high-pitched two-note keyboard tune, then an ascending synthesized "gurgling" sound.
Editor's Note: None.
Nickname: "30PBA"
Logo: On a purple background, several panels rotate slowly around as several shots from different programs fly across the screen. As the screens start to head towards the screen, a large lavender "30" swing in, with the font in Copperplate Gothic, followed by "PBA" zooming out letter-by-letter. As it happens, apurple "W" emerges from the right side of the circle and slides in. The screens then take over, which is a dark turquoise background with several lines in different colors wiping in scrolling to the right. "ATLANTA PUBLIC TELEVISION" then swings into place below the logo, all in a thinner version of the font in white while the logo shines. Several lines continue to scroll past.
FX/SFX: The panels flying, the letters zooming out.
Music/Sounds: A descending piano tune at first, followed by a tune made of synthesized "doo" sounds. The tune plays again, this time with a trumpet MIDI, then one final time in a much grander tone. A synth flute/piano/trumpet theme then plays after a bit.
Availability: Extinct. Seen only as a local ID.
Editor's Note: None.
1st Logo
Nicknames: "The Highway", "Flaming Text"
Logo: We fade into a live action shot of cars driving all over a highway in downtown Atlanta. On the bottom part of the screen, "FROM ATLANTA WPBA", colored bloodredwith a drop shadow, appears via a weird "flame" effect.
FX/SFX: Other than the appearance of the WPBA text, it's all live-action.
Music/Sounds: A high-pitched two-note keyboard tune, then an ascending synthesized "gurgling" sound.
Availability: Unknown. Seen on the very few PBS programs produced by WPBA from that time. This could've been on some old reruns of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood during the 80s and 90s.
2nd Logo
(1994-2000)Nickname: "30PBA"
Logo: On a purple background, several panels rotate slowly around as several shots from different programs fly across the screen. As the screens start to head towards the screen, a large lavender "30" swing in, with the font in Copperplate Gothic, followed by "PBA" zooming out letter-by-letter. As it happens, apurple "W" emerges from the right side of the circle and slides in. The screens then take over, which is a dark turquoise background with several lines in different colors wiping in scrolling to the right. "ATLANTA PUBLIC TELEVISION" then swings into place below the logo, all in a thinner version of the font in white while the logo shines. Several lines continue to scroll past.
FX/SFX: The panels flying, the letters zooming out.
Music/Sounds: A descending piano tune at first, followed by a tune made of synthesized "doo" sounds. The tune plays again, this time with a trumpet MIDI, then one final time in a much grander tone. A synth flute/piano/trumpet theme then plays after a bit.
Availability: Extinct. Seen only as a local ID.
Editor's Note: None.