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Logo descriptions by thelogoontherun
Logo captures by thelogoontherun and SnowflakesOmega
Editions by thelogoontherun and SnowflakesOmega
Video captures courtesy of thelogoontherun
17 WTCG Atlanta

Logo captures by thelogoontherun and SnowflakesOmega
Editions by thelogoontherun and SnowflakesOmega
Video captures courtesy of thelogoontherun
17 WTCG Atlanta

Background: WTCG Atlanta was Channel 17 and was a broadcast television station in Atlanta, Georgia. It operated on UHF Channel 17, and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station. The "TCG" stands for Turner Communications Group, the forerunner for Turner Broadcasting System (a Turner company) They used the slogan "Watch This Channel Grow." It started on September 1st, 1967 as called WJRJ-TV before they changed to their then-current name.
1st Logo

<embed height="204" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/580c6448998c5668cf63446dbb9c0d5a5103a30c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="249" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "The Round-Sided Square", "The 17 Block", "The 17th Block"
Logo: On a black background we see a picture of a place from Atlanta (which varies) inside a rounded rectangle. Below there's a square which is modified to look like a TV screen with the number "17" inside. Next to it there's the words: "WTCG" and "Atlanta", in some fancy text.
Trivia: The print logo looks different than the one portrayed on TV.
Music/Sounds: An announcer saying the station's name.
Availability: Extinct. You can find this on very old tape recordings.
Editor's Note: The announcer has a low tone and voice, and with the silence, it might give some people chills down their back.
SuperStation WTBS 17 Atlanta

Background: In 1979, WTCG was changed into WTBS. WTBS continued acquiring second-hand programming, such as Popeye cartoons, The Brady Bunch, The Munsters and other programs. They started acquiring re-runs of TV programs such as All In The Family and Sanford And Son in 1979, and Little House On The Prairie and CHiPs in 1981. Older shows were canceled but even older shows from the 1950's, 1960's, and early 1970's were currently being acquired.
2nd Logo
Nicknames: "SuperStation Wars", "WTBS Wars", "Old TBS Wars", "17 Wars", "Atlanta Wars", "The Star Wars SuperStation", "The Logo From Atlanta In Space"
Logo: On a starfield, we see a blue, glowing circle with a silver outline. It zooms out to place off-center while the stacked "SUPER STATION" in orange, with a Star Wars-esque font, zooms to us and pans up, and the words "WTBS 17 ATLANTA" (also stacked) are revealed to be on the circle, with 17 on it's square. As the logo starts to stop the copyright stamp is seen fading in below it.
Trivia: This logo is based on Star Wars.
Music/Sounds: A quick synthesized theme with the announcer.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: Some people can be startled by "SUPER STATION" zooming, but fans of Star Wars may like it's look.
SuperStation WTBS Atlanta

Background: In 1981, SuperStation WTBS 17 Atlanta changed its name, this time removing the "17" to make as result "SuperStation WTBS Atlanta". They have operated with CNN channels to make "A WTBS SuperStation Report."
3rd Logo

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="185" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ecd798ea202dec9af23a0120a26e9b433ecb289c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="226" wmode="transparent"/><embed align="bottom" allowfullscreen="true" height="194" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/98db65faf1a6f393e55017fc6d66c6e3ad3657a0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="237" wmode="transparent"/>
1st Logo

<embed height="204" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/580c6448998c5668cf63446dbb9c0d5a5103a30c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="249" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo: On a black background we see a picture of a place from Atlanta (which varies) inside a rounded rectangle. Below there's a square which is modified to look like a TV screen with the number "17" inside. Next to it there's the words: "WTCG" and "Atlanta", in some fancy text.
Trivia: The print logo looks different than the one portrayed on TV.
- As said in the Logo section, the picture varies with other places related to Atlanta, including it's skyline.
- There are also color idents and black and white idents.
- On the promos, the logo's seen with a stacked form on a red background.
Music/Sounds: An announcer saying the station's name.
Availability: Extinct. You can find this on very old tape recordings.
Editor's Note: The announcer has a low tone and voice, and with the silence, it might give some people chills down their back.
SuperStation WTBS 17 Atlanta

Background: In 1979, WTCG was changed into WTBS. WTBS continued acquiring second-hand programming, such as Popeye cartoons, The Brady Bunch, The Munsters and other programs. They started acquiring re-runs of TV programs such as All In The Family and Sanford And Son in 1979, and Little House On The Prairie and CHiPs in 1981. Older shows were canceled but even older shows from the 1950's, 1960's, and early 1970's were currently being acquired.
2nd Logo
Nicknames: "SuperStation Wars", "WTBS Wars", "Old TBS Wars", "17 Wars", "Atlanta Wars", "The Star Wars SuperStation", "The Logo From Atlanta In Space"
Logo: On a starfield, we see a blue, glowing circle with a silver outline. It zooms out to place off-center while the stacked "SUPER STATION" in orange, with a Star Wars-esque font, zooms to us and pans up, and the words "WTBS 17 ATLANTA" (also stacked) are revealed to be on the circle, with 17 on it's square. As the logo starts to stop the copyright stamp is seen fading in below it.
Trivia: This logo is based on Star Wars.
- Sometimes "PRE-RECORDED" fades in above the stamp.
- The most common version of the logo can be found on airings of News Watch, where the "NEWS WATCH" text in silver is seen and then zooms out to start the normal animation.
Music/Sounds: A quick synthesized theme with the announcer.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: Some people can be startled by "SUPER STATION" zooming, but fans of Star Wars may like it's look.
SuperStation WTBS Atlanta

Background: In 1981, SuperStation WTBS 17 Atlanta changed its name, this time removing the "17" to make as result "SuperStation WTBS Atlanta". They have operated with CNN channels to make "A WTBS SuperStation Report."
3rd Logo

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="185" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ecd798ea202dec9af23a0120a26e9b433ecb289c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="226" wmode="transparent"/><embed align="bottom" allowfullscreen="true" height="194" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/98db65faf1a6f393e55017fc6d66c6e3ad3657a0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="237" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "Super Satellites", "The Bars", "CNN Satellites", "5, 4, 3, 2 , 1, BOOM!"
Logo: There are various versions of the identity, some of them containing the signature CNN satellites.
Music/Sounds: For the first ident, a light theme with drums and guitar is heard, with an announcer saying "From Turner Broadcasting System, you're watching SuperStation WTBS Atlanta." TBA for the others.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note:The strange chimes in the 1st ident are a little creepy.
Logo: There are various versions of the identity, some of them containing the signature CNN satellites.
- General 1 (with TBS and satellites): We see blue lines wiping in on a black background, some of them from left to right and the others from right to the left. The segmented yellow "TBS" in italics slides in from the right side to the center and "TurnerBroadcastingSystem" wipes in below the logo. Then a image of the CNN satelites appears and "SuperStationWTBS" appears letter-by-letter at the top part of it. "Atlanta" fades in below the end of "SuperStationWTBS".
- General 2 (with satelites): On a rainbow-colored grid background, we see a picture of a bunch of animated satellites fade in from the center. The text "SuperStationWTBS.", in white, fades in below it.
- General 3 (with gold bars and TBS): This may have debuted in 1983. We see a golden screen with the words "TBS" flipping in, then the gold zooms out to reveal that these are bars, while "TBS" also zooms out, but to the bottom-right corner of the screen. "SuperStationWTBS" slides in below "TBS", while a segmented T (also in golden material) slides in on the bars.
Music/Sounds: For the first ident, a light theme with drums and guitar is heard, with an announcer saying "From Turner Broadcasting System, you're watching SuperStation WTBS Atlanta." TBA for the others.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note:The strange chimes in the 1st ident are a little creepy.