WWE Studios
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Logo description by Logophile
Video capture by batista1995bomb
1st Logo
(May 19, 2006-December 2, 2014)
Logo: On a black background, the camera eases away from the silver 3-D WWE logo. When the whole logo is seen, it turns in to the 2-D white logo and the red streak under it etches itself (with light beaming out of it.). Then (STUDIOS) shines itself underneath.
Variant: In the early years the logo was used, it was "WWE FILMS". The current "WWE STUDIOS" name made its debut in 2009 with the release of 12 Rounds.
Music/Sounds: At the beginning of the logo, an orchestra tunes its instruments (which sounds similar to the PlayStation 3 start-up theme.). When the red streak appears, the conductor clicks his baton three times and when "STUDIOS" (or "FILMS") shines underneath, a long 1-note fanfare is heard.
Availability: Appears on films produced by the company such as The Marine, The Condemned and 12 Rounds. It first appeared on See No Evil and last appeared on Jingle All the Way 2 (released 4 months after the 2012 WWE logo had officially began use). This plasters the New Line Cinema logo on the DVD and Blu-Ray release of No Holds Barred.
2nd Logo
(March 10, 2015-)

Variant: On The Flintstones & WWE Stone Age SmackDown! (the first film with this logo), the logo is revealed from a cracking rock background. At the end of the movie, the logo is cut to its last few seconds.
FX/SFX: The camera panning to the logo, the bottom part spinning, the text appearing, the red streak being drawn.
Music/Sounds: So far, just the opening/closing theme/sounds of the movie.
Availability: Despite the new WWE logo having been revealed in 2012 and officially debuting in August 2014, this logo didn't officially premiere until the year afterwards on The Flintstones & WWE Stone Age SmackDown! (both as a variant and a short version) and The Marine 4: Moving Target (as a full, regular version).
Editor's Note: None.
Video capture by batista1995bomb
Background: WWE Studios is the motion picture arm of the WWE founded in 2002 as WWF Films (which shortly changed to the WWE name in May of the year.). The company didn't use a logo until 2006. In 2008, the company name changed to WWE Studios.
(May 19, 2006-December 2, 2014)
<embed align="bottom" allowfullscreen="true" height="194" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/37ea8140fcbd5ad7d3bbb575d44d507172bd2279" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="334" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "WW", "The Scratch Logo"
Variant: In the early years the logo was used, it was "WWE FILMS". The current "WWE STUDIOS" name made its debut in 2009 with the release of 12 Rounds.
Music/Sounds: At the beginning of the logo, an orchestra tunes its instruments (which sounds similar to the PlayStation 3 start-up theme.). When the red streak appears, the conductor clicks his baton three times and when "STUDIOS" (or "FILMS") shines underneath, a long 1-note fanfare is heard.
Availability: Appears on films produced by the company such as The Marine, The Condemned and 12 Rounds. It first appeared on See No Evil and last appeared on Jingle All the Way 2 (released 4 months after the 2012 WWE logo had officially began use). This plasters the New Line Cinema logo on the DVD and Blu-Ray release of No Holds Barred.
Editor's Note: None.
(March 10, 2015-)

Nickname: "WW II"
Logo: In a dark blue environment, a monolith appears as we pan down. More monoliths are revealed as the camera pans down further, and they are eventually revealed to be part of the 2012 WWE logo. The bottom part of the logo spins once as it zooms out. "STUDIOS" flips around and zooms underneath the logo, and a red streak is drawn behind it as the background turns darker.
Variant: On The Flintstones & WWE Stone Age SmackDown! (the first film with this logo), the logo is revealed from a cracking rock background. At the end of the movie, the logo is cut to its last few seconds.
FX/SFX: The camera panning to the logo, the bottom part spinning, the text appearing, the red streak being drawn.
Music/Sounds: So far, just the opening/closing theme/sounds of the movie.
Availability: Despite the new WWE logo having been revealed in 2012 and officially debuting in August 2014, this logo didn't officially premiere until the year afterwards on The Flintstones & WWE Stone Age SmackDown! (both as a variant and a short version) and The Marine 4: Moving Target (as a full, regular version).
Editor's Note: None.