Your Dream Logos Part Three
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JHprod's dream logos
Microsoft (2010-)
Nickname: The Windows Logo
Logo: In a black background, we see a Windows logo w/o the blue gradient circle from 2006-Present flying & zooming out to the left next to the Microsoft logo that is zooming out & it shines to the right & the text says below :
C o r p o r a t i o n
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The new Microsoft Windows logo from 2006-Present flies & zooms out to the left, the Microsoft logo zooms out to the right, the text fades below "C o r p o r a t i o n".
Avalibility: Most seen on Games for Windows & Xbox 360 games.
Scare Factor: None
Music: Same as Microsoft Xbox 360 console's startup.
Barney Sucks Entertainment (October 2006-Forever)
Background: Barney Sucks Entertainent produced JH Productions shows like JH's Little Einsteins, SpongeBob SquarePants, Super Why Returns, & Camazon Spamming Show.
Logo 1: 2006-2009
Nickname: "Barney, the Ugly, Big Purple Dinosaur"
Logo: We see a PBS Kids boy named Dash & a PBS Kids girl named Dot playing with their kites, then Dash & Dot go into Barney's house & Dash & Dot sees Barney, then Dot writes:
on a crayonized font with a crayon on the wall & Dash says to Barney, "You're gay!" and Dash & Dot set the bomb to Barney sitting on the couch for seconds & Dash & Dot go outside laughing, then & the bomb explodes & Barney cries.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Animated (PBS Kids boy, girl, outside background, house, crayon, & crayon drawing), Live action (Barney, lamp, table, table for lamp, plate with pizza, cup of water, TV set, & couch)
Music: Numa Numa (English) music, Dash & Dot giggling, Barney saying "Welcome!", Dash saying "You're gay!", Barney saying "Uh-oh!", Dash & Dot laughing, Explosion sound, & Barney cries.
Avalibility: Appeared on JH Productions-produced shows.
Scare Factor: Median
Logo 2: 2009-2017
Nickname: "Silver Text"
Logo: In a starry black/purple gradient background, we see the text:
Barney SUCKS
in silver, but "Barney" is in a Barney corporate logo font & "SUCKS" and "ENTERTAINMENT" is in a Garamond font.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: None, but still & superimposed.
Music: It could be none, or it could be ending credits theme.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: None
Logo 3: 2017-2022
Nicknames: "The Enhanced Silver Text", "Silver Text II", "Gold Text", The Animated Silver Text", "The Shining Silver Text"
Logo: See Logo 2, it has the same text:
Barney SUCKS
in gold, but "Barney" is in a same font (see Logo 2) & "SUCKS" and "ENTERTAINMENT" is in a same font (see Logo 2).
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The gold text shines, the stars in a same background (see Logo 2) is tingling away.
Music: Could be same as the 1988-1993 Rysher Entertainment jingle, or it could be the end credits of every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: See Logo 2
Logo 4: 2022-2042
Nickname: "Barney Pees"
Logo: On a TV screen background filled with static, we see Barney peeing at the text:
Barney Sucks
in yellow & Dash & Dot looks at the text. Then the byline fades:
A JH Productions & Train Pig Enterprises Company
& the TV screen background turns off.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The TV screen background filled with static, when the TV screen bckground turns off, Barney, the text, & Dash & Dot does not have SFX. The byline fades in.
Music: Could be same as the 1987 Universal TV jingle, or it could be the end credits of every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: Barney pees at the text is bad.
Logo 5: 2042-Forever
Nickname: "Remake of the Yellow Star"
Logo: Same as the 2nd logo of Barney Home Video, but below of this logo is the words:
wiped via an effect. Barney's eyes turn red.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Same as the 2nd logo of Barney Home Video, but the words, "HOME VIDEO" is replaced "SUCKS ENTERTAINMENT" wiped, then Barney's eyes turned red.
Music: Could be same as the 1988-1993 Lorimar Television jingle, or it could be end credits on every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: Barney's eyes turning red might scare you & gave you some nightmares.
Matt Fox Presentations (2004-)
Backgroud: Matt Fox Presentations distributed some produced shows from JH Productions, Train Pig Films, New Age Films, Tourettes Guy Rocks Pictures, Evans Films, Grandma Studios, & Miley Sucks Pictures (Miley Sucked Pictures). MFP is a arm of Train Pig Enterprises & JH Productions.
Logo 1: 2004-2005
Nickname: "The MFP Structure"
Logo: On a light sky, we see the words in the MFP structure:
in a 20th Century Fox font & the byline fades:
in a Bauhaus 93 font.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Never mind, it's just still, but the byline fades in.
Music: The 20th TV logo theme, On Camazon Spamming Show, it has the short version of this THX deep note or the ending credits.
Avalbility: Taken from 3rd or 4th season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants & Camazon Spamming Show.
Scare Factor: None
Logo 2: 2005-????
Barney Sucked Enterprise (1993-Forever)
Background: Barney Sucked Enterprise produced shows from JH Productions & Scooter Films (now Train Pig Films). Barney Sucked Enterprise ia a arm of Train Pig Enterprises & Hunter, Ltd..
Logo 1: 1993-2002
Nickname: "Hanna Barbera All-Stars Comedy logo Parody"
Logo: The same logo Hanna Barbera has, but different. They did the same thing that Hanna Barbera did.
1. Ren ran left.
2. Spongebob ran right and smiled while Jerry fell.
3. Stimpy shook itself and Scooby Doo was confused.
4. Tom flew in a flying saucer waving.
5. Squidward walked diagnolly up when Droopy was swinging the rope.
6. Patrick was confused, too.
7. Suddenly, Daffy Duck slammed.
FX: The cartoon charecters.
Music: Same Hanna Barbera music.
Avalibility: As of Christmas 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "Super Why Returns" Also, it appears, too at end of JH Productions movies.
Worldwide Communications
Logo 2: 2011-Present
Nickname: "The New AT&T Globe"
Logo: On a AT&T-like orange background, we see an AT&T logo used 2006 on the left & the words:
on the right and the byline:
A Train Pig/JH Pictures Company
is underneath the words & the words:
in association with
is on the bottom center. Followed by a Train Pig/JH Pictures logo
SFX: None, it's an superimposed logo.
Music: The ending credits of this show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: None
Go-Mark Pictures (January 2014-August 2014)
Note: In August 21st, 2014, Go-Mark Pictures in now Train Pig/JH Pictures.
Background: TBA
Logo 1: January 2014-August 21st, 2014
Nickname: "Gm"
Logo: Over a spongy yellow background, we see the G flying first & the m flies next, then it should be like this.
Go-marK Pictures
and then, the background zooms out ǻ la a 1988-1998 Film Roman logo & it turns white.
Kody-The-Fox's dream logos
(2007- )
Nickname: "Close Up on Hamilton Horstachio", "Hamilton Horstachio's getting snapped"
Logo: We see Hamilton Horstachio (from the Viva Pinata episode Horstachio of a different color) and he stands for getting his snapshots.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The logo of Viva Pinata of pure energy.
Music: Hamilton Horstachio says something, er, you can't tell.
Availibity: Seen first on Viva Pinata Party in LA : Everyone Invited!. There will be a upcoming releases on that.
Scare Factor: Not so scary.
sega3dmm's Dream Logos Part III
HOMER MEDIA (1973-present)
Background: Homer Media distributes international prints of shows from Orion Television, Genesis, ITC, and Jasondows Corporation. As recently as 2006, it has started to produce its own shows as well.
Logo 1: 1973-1975
Logo: On a space background, we see 2 triangles and a circle arranged to look like the letter A zoom up to the screen. HOMER MEDIA fades in below.
Music: Ending theme or a generic fanfare.
Variations: On ITC programs, AND fades below.
Availability: Was last seen on "Farthest Reaches".
Scare Factor: High with the generic fanfare.
Logo 2: 1975- 1980
Logo : On a space background, we see a bright flash, and the words HOMER MEDIA flash in. It shines.
Music: A five-note synth tune. On "Camp Daisy", the ending theme was used.
Availability: Extremely rare, was last seen on "Camp Daisy", "Road Rash", and "Revenge of Sara".
Scare Factor: Medium.
Logo 3: 1980-1983
Logo: On a shady green background, the word HOMER flips in, letter by letter. MEDIA fades below, in the font used for the Key Video logo. The whole thing sparkles.
Music: 3 notes- C, E, G. Then a drumbeat is heard.
Availability: Extremely Rare. You can see it on videotapes of Bright Idea distributed by IVE.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 4: 1983- 1988
Logo: On a white background, we see a person, wearing socks, shoes, a shirt, and pants, like humans. Attached to his hand is a flag saying the word HOMER. MEDIA is at the bottom of the screen. This is the first Homer Media logo to have a (R) bug.
Music: Ending theme or a cute little ditty.
Availability: Uncommon, but not rare- at least for the normal version.
Scare Factor: None for the normal version, Nightmare for the one with the blood.
Logo 5: 1988-1993
Logo: On a starry background, we see Homer J. Simpson in a swimsuit floating in water, holding a sign reading HOMER MEDIA. You can see he is a little sunburned.
Music: Seagulls. "Open Sores" had a 6 note theme.
Availability: Uncommon.
Scare Factor: None. This is a cute logo.
Logo 6: 1993-1996
Logo: We see Homer J. Simpson as the previous logo, although this time he is skateboarding along a highway. He passes three cars and then crashes into a tree. HOMER MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT fades in below. "A Homer Entertainment Company" appears below the title.
Music: A flute tune and then a cartoon-style CRASH as Homer hits the tree. Can have the ending theme play over it.
Availability: Not quite uncommon, but not quite current, either. Programs like CBS's KOL Secret Slumber Party and The Incredible World of DiC Saturday Morning Block air "Long Tail Kitty" and "Orange Gus", so you can see it.
Scare Factor: Low, unless you don't like cats crashing.
Logo 7: 1996-2000
Logo: We see Homer in Logos 6 and 5. This time, he's bowling. When the bowling ball hits the pins, the words HOMER MEDIA pop up in a cartoony style wiggling around. "A Homer Entertainment Company" appears below the words.
Music: The sound of a bowling ball hitting bowling pins.
Availability: Common, can be seen on shows of the era.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 8: 2000-2002
By this time, the Homer Entertainment company had been discontinued when they were bought outright by Corus Entertainment, which kept the HOMER MEDIA name.
Logo: Inside a red, white, and blue circle, we see the familiar yellow-skinned person pop out of it , arms outstreched. Suddenly, CGI confetti falls from the top of the screen and HOMER MEDIA fades in in a cursive font.
From 2000 to early 2001, the words CELEBRATING THE NEW MILLENNIUM were seen at the bottom of the screen. This variation is extremely rare.
Music: 3 notes, and a synth cord in E sharp.
Availability: Common for 2001-2002, Rare for 2000. "Robyn's Journey" kept the Millennium logo when it was released on video and DVD, so you can see it on there.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 9: 2003-2006
Logo: In the 0 of a huge 30, we see Homer from the 80s and 90s, except he's lounging. His bottle of Duff, which is dangling down from the 0, is carrying Maggie, which is holding a flag reading YEARS OF. The HOMER MEDIA text is seen below, shining.
Music: A triumphant 2 secont fanfare.
Availability: Common.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 10: 2007-present
[[Your Dream Logos Part Three|303px|Your Dream Logos Part Three - CLG Wiki]]
Logo : On a white background, we see two triangles and a circle merge together to form the Homer Media logo , styled like that in the 70s; It shines, then THE HOMER MEDIA text swoops down from the top of the screen. As soon it is done, the background turns shady blue.
Music: None. The logo can have the ending theme over it.
Availability: Current. Can be seen anywhere.
Scare Factor: None, you'll just be annoyed by the lack of Homer J. Simpson which has graced the Homer name for over 10 years.
Viacom International (June 2008-)
Logo: On a black background, an orange ball drops to the center of the screen. It grows to fill up the screen orange, then it zooms out to the center revealing the VIACOM logo, then the text "International" fades in below it.
SFX: Nice animation.
Music: Usally the end theme of a show, or a soft drum beat.
Avalibility: Seen on Fall 2008 episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Scare factor: None.
NBC Universal Home Entertainment (May 2008)
Background: In 2008, Universal Studios Home Entertainment was renamed to NBC Universal Home Entertainment.
Nickname: "Starburst"
Logo: On a black background, a big burst of golden light emerges from the center of the screen. Then the text "NBC UNIVERSAL," fades in sandwiched between a circular globe motif in Cooperplate Gothic Bold font. In a second,the six-feathered NBC pea---- fades in with a very bright shine between "NBC" and "UNIVERSAL" then it loses it's shine so it can be visible. These objects slightly zoom out to its familiar distance, as the text "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" fades in beneath the "NBC" and "UNIVERSAL" and above the bottom of the globe motif, in Cooperplate Gothic font. After a few seconds, the "NBC", six-featherd peacok, "UNIVERSAL", and "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" disappears and then some text appears. The first half of the text is below the top of the circular globe motif and the second half of the text is above the bottom of the globe motif. That text will read one of the following:
Short version: There is also a short version that starts by fading in at the middle when the NBC Universal Home Entertainment logo is visible, before fading out into the text at the end.
SFX: Nice CGI.
Chessy factor: An original plan for a logo in an unoriginal method. The look of the logo is from the 2004 NBC Universal Television logo.
Music: Dramatic music by Hans Zimmer. On the short version, there's no music at all. Both versions, on occasion, have a voiceover reading the text at the end of the logo.
Avalibility: Will be seen on Universal and NBC DVDs' from May 2008 to when another logo idea as hatched.
Scare factor: Low
logoboy95's Dream Logos
SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES (1990-present)
Background: Slap T. Pooch Pictures distributes some Nickelodeon movies. In 2006, Slap T. Pooch Pictures now starts producing Austin Systems movies as well.
Logo 1: 1990-1998
Nickname: "The Four Triangles"
Logo: On a black background, we see four colorful triangles flying from the screen and over the triangles is the word SLAP. The words SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES fades in underneath, and the byline appears under the company name.
FX: The triangles flying.
Music: Plays over the ending theme.
Availability: Last seen on the first season of "The Nickelodeon Haypile Show".
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 2: 1998-present
Nicknames: "The Disney Castle" ---> "Slap T. Pooch", "Colorful Slap"
Logo: We see the Disney castle and then a ball forms to change the logo, then we reveal the Oh Yeah! Cartoons character Slap T. Pooch, in cartoon form, with Movie Maker colorful effects. The words SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES, in purple, zooms in the middle of the screen.
FX: The Disney castle changing to Slap.
Music: Either the long or the short version of the 1985 Walt Disney Television theme.
Availability: As of Thanksgiving 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "The Nickelodeon Haypile Show". Also, it appears too at the end of some Austin Systems movies.
Scare Factor: Low.
HIT Entertainment
Nickname: "Pingu Goes Fishing"
Logo: We see a black penguin, Pingu, fishing. He nuggs, then we reveal the HiT logo. The words "MMVII The Pygos Group" fades in above the logo.
FX: 2-D Animation.
Music: We possibly hear Pingu nugging, followed by a "kissing" sound.
Availability: Can be seen on "Pingu".
Scare Factor: Very low. This logo may surprise you when Pingu fishing is catching off guard.
Austin Systems Television (2006-)
Nickname: "2000s 3-D AS"
Logo: On a pinkish purple background, we see a yellow "A", with a red "S" joined together. The words "Austin Systems" was seen in a 3-D font above the "AS", with "N" in "Austin" and "S" in "Systems" in a font resembling the "Rocko's Modern Life" ending credits, and "TELEVISION" is seen in another 3-D font underneath. Sometimes, the "I" in "TELEVISION" is being upward.
FX: None, it's a still logo.
Music: Usually the outro of a TV show.
Availability: Seen on "Paramount: The Animated Series" on the Motherboards Network.
Scare Factor: Low.
heart1994's dream logos
Pervy McQueen Sucks Productions
Logo 1: 1993-2002
Nickname: "Hanna Barbera All-Stars Comedy logo Parody"
Logo: The same logo Hanna Barbera has, but different. They did the same thing that Hanna Barbera did.
1. The 1984-86 Rede Globo logo ran left.
2. The 1957-82 MGM logo ran right and smiled while the Columbia Torch Lady fell.
3. The 1975-85 Rede Globo logo shook itself and the 1924-28 MGM logo (Slats) was confused.
4. The 1928-56 MGM logo (Jackie) flew in a flying saucer waving.
5. The 1956-57 MGM logo (Bob) walked diagnolly up when the Rede Globo Plim Plim was swinging the rope.
6. The 1966-69 Rede Globo was confused too.
7. Suddenly, the 1984-86 Rede Globo logo slammed.
FX: The logos.
Music: Same Hanna Barbera music.
Availability: As of Christmas 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "The Pervy McQueen Show". Also, it appears too at the end of some Caitlin Systems movies.
Scare Factor: High!!
Logo 2: 2002-present
Nickname: "Target"
Logo: On a shady blue background, there is a target. The words
Pervy McQueen Sucks Productions
pop out in light blue.
FX: The words.
Music: A 3-note piano chord, then the drumbeat playing 4 times.
Availability: Same as Logo 1.
Scare Factor: Low.
Jonghyunchung's dream logos
Warpstar, Inc. Entertainment
Nickname: "Kabu, Warpstar!"
Logo: We see a pan-out of Kabu. The screen pans in, then cuts to a close-up where Kabu's mouth slides down, revealing the Warpstar. It spins around, then flies out of Kabu's mouth and into the sky. As it does so, the screen fades out to white, then in to reveal the logo that reads "WARP STAR Inc. Entertainment".
FX: The Warpstar "shining" and revealing stars.
Music: The synth theme from the 1986 "Sorcerer Mickey" logo.
Availability: Can only be seen on anime DVD prints, usually the original Japanese version of "Kirby: Right Back at Ya!".
Scare Factor: None.
Yomoneyboat's Dream Logos
Nicknames: "V of Doom... AGAIN!" "V of... Doom?"
Logo: Against a white marble background (similar to Lorimar Television), the text "Viacom" appears along the bottom (in the classic \/I/-\CO/\/\ font), with no effects at all. The classic-cut purple "V" fades in, then changes to just an outline. The whole image fades out.
FX: Next to none.
Music: The classic 5-note music from the V of Doom, only this time it's performed with a full orchestra, and sounds much warmer. At the end of the jingle an extra orchestra hit is added, if the television station allows for time.
Availability: Seen on "Adventures of Slick Bill," "The Life of J. Esus," and "Welcome to the Internet."
Scare Factor: Low, many liked this mellower version of the nightmare-inducing "V of Doom."
Lexington Broadcast Services
Nicknames: "LBS of Doom" "LBS From Hell"
Logo: Against a black background, ripples (as if in water) begin to appear, getting faster and more frequent. Suddenly, the screen "implodes"- as if the TV was turned off. A golden, 3D "LBS" (in the classic font) zooms in towards the screen. A flash of light occurs and "lexington broadcasting" appears beneath the LBS. Fade out.
FX: The ripples and LBS logo are nicely done in CGI.
Music: A rising orchestral tone as the ripples increase in intensity, and an orchestra hit as the screen implodes. A "warm" synth pad as the LBS fades in.
Availability: Extinct. Was seen when LBS made a short comeback. Phased out with Sony/Paramount/Columbia logos on reruns.
Scare Factor: Nightmare. The music is too loud, and the LBS zooms in way too fast.
Teacup Productions
Logo 1 (Late 2006-Late 2007)
Nickname: Phrase Of Staleness
Logo: Just The Phrase
FX: None its a still logo
Music: The ending theme of the show
Avaliblety: Extinct
Scare Factor: High
Silversword55's Dream Logos
Scooter Films
1st Logo
Note: Scooter Films became Train Pig Films in 2008.
Nickname: "The Scooter" "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!"
Logo: On a sunset background, with hills, we see a big, green scooter riding on the road, then a gold conestoga wagon following it. A young adult, named Victor, is riding the scooter. An old man comes out of the wagon and says "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!" The camera stops, and Scooter Films forms when the scooter and wagon dives away.
SFX: Live action.
Music: Driving sounds, with a western tune and "air" playing on the background. Then, an old man, saying "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!" When the scooter moves faster, the tune, and "air" plays louder.
Availability: Can be found on and Scooter Films produced movies.
Scare Factor: Low, the old man can get to you, but otherwise harmless.
2nd Logo
Logo: We see 4 beautiful, young women, driving scooters. One of them are driving a red scooter, the other rode a purple scooter, the 3rd woman rode a sky blue scooter, and the last woman, is riding a gold scooter. Then, they all wave at us, drive off, and Scooter Films forms.
SFX: See logo 1.
Music: Same as logo 1 but with 2 differences.
Availability: Same as logo 1.
Scare Factor: None whatsoever.
Wind Dancer Productions
Nickname: "WD" "The Wind Dancers" "Dove and Ballet Dancer"
Logo: In a huge garden with many flowers, bushes, and rivers with bridges with them, and a light pink sky, we see a birds eye view of the garden with a dove (a bird that symbolizes peace) flys in front of us, the camera pans, to the bird, following it, as the dove descends almost to the ground,and the camera stops above a river with a bridge on it. The dove flew off screen to the left, revealing a White W with a black outline, in a Times New Roman Font, and a ballet dancer, in a pink ballet dress, jumps on the bridge, stands on one toe, spins around twice, and jumps off the bridge, and off screen to the right. As she jumps off the bridge a White D, appears, also white, with a black outline, in a Times New Roman Font, and it's interlocked with the W. 3 lines, representing "wind" wipes
In an Arial Font, in white.
Music: A dreamy, majestic tune, sounding like the DiC jingle from 1990, with some whooshes, and air playing in the background. When the logo completes forming, a female voice says "WIND..... DANCER"
Availability: Regular version appears in "The New Home Improvement" and "The New Roseanne"
Scare Factor: Low for regular version, because some won't like the feminine feel of the logo. Median for the variant.
Worldwide Communications Inc.
(1992-March 2011)
Nicknames: "AT&T Globe"
Logo: Just a black background with the AT&T Globe they had in 1992, with "Worldwide Communications" in the same font that AT&T usually uses for their logos. The byline below would appear depending on the year it showed.
SFX: None.
Music: Some telephone beeps and telephone ringings.
Availaibity: Can be seen on "Police Unit" (again, made up show) in syndication.
Scare Factor: None.
OD Productions
(2010-March 2011)
Logo: A bunch of red/blue/gold lines come down to the screen, then combine into 1 gold/yellow/orange line. The line then shrinks from the top and the bottom, and when it finishes, there is an orange light flash. the flash does down to reveal
In a metallic, futuristic font ala Ruby Spears 1982-1992.
SFX: The lines forming "OD Productions"
Music: A ding sound when the logo is complete.
Availability: Also Seen on "Police Unit" in syndication
Scare Factor: Low to Median.
Worldwide Productions
Background: On March 11, 2011, Worldwide Communications and OD Productions announced they will combine to form Worldwide Productions, effective that day.
1st Logo
Logo: On a watery background, some rain drops hit the water, and the left side of the logo appears. Then the right side of the logo appears and the camera pans close into the logo, and water runs away from the logo. The camera view switches to in the water and it pans up to reveal the logo, which looks like
Scare Factor: None.
2nd Logo
Nicknames: "The Line" "Livewire Waves"
Logo: In a blue background, a yellow line appears on the middle of the screen. It then waves a bit, then forms the Worldwide Productions logo from logo 1. After the logo is complete, some globes made of steel spins around on the background (a la New Age Films (which is one of my other dream logos))
On the logo's last year (2021), the line forms the 20th anniversary logo (same logo, but with 2 triangles, the top triangle containing the Worldwide Communications, and the bottom triangle contains the OD Productions (both in their respective colors).
SFX: The lines waving, then forming the logo.
Music: IN the beginning, it has a short piano tune, with some drawing sounds. When the logo is completed, a hip-hop tune which sounds exactly like Columbia Pictures Television's 1987-1993 jingle plays.
Availability: See logo 1.
Scare Factor: None again.
3rd Logo
Nickname: "The Rotating Chamber Of Doom"
Logo: In a chamber filled with very wide blue oval rubber like machines rotating around the chamber in circles, the camera pans through the room, and stops in front of a huge, pad-like pedestal with the same rubber like machines, containing the Worldwide Productions logo.
SFX: Great CGI.
Music: The last half ofNFL Total Access (NFL network show)'s theme.
Availability: Seen on shows from the era.
Scare Factor: Median to High, the camera panning fast, as if it were gonna crash on something, will scare a lot of viewers.
3 Dinner Plates Productions
2nd Logo
(July 2012-August 2016)
Nickname: "What's For Dinner?"
Logo: First, We see a wooden table with 3 plates, each with a fork, a knife, and a cup next to it. The 1st plate has a "3" printed on it, the 2nd has a "D", and the last plate has a "P". Now to the animation, a waiters hand takes a cup, and puts soda on it, and places to the plate, repeat for the other 2 plates. Then he takes the plate, and the plate returns with a plate full of rice with chicken, and a 3 little steaks. Repeat for the other 2, but the 2nd plate has fries, with shrimp and steamed chicken, and the last plate returns with 3 hott dogs and a burger. Then another waiter delivers side dishes of corn, mozzarella sticks, crab legs, and biscuits. All of that animation was in very fast speed. Then
Logo 1 (2008-Present)
Nickname: The Rocket
Logo: On a starry background, a cartoony blue YTV-style rocket zooms down below the camera and zooms up to the screen in circles. It stops at the center, and below it appears
FX: The rocket zooming.
Music: None, just a cartoony rocket zoom.
Availability: Seen on shows distributed by Rockit, such as the later episodes of "Hamtaro" and "The New Ren & Stimpy Show".
Scare Factor: Low.
Torch lady's dream logos
Barney home video
Nickname: Barney Inside
Logo: we see barneys heart for 3 seconds, pumping and then it morph into barneys head and he says Hi Kids! and we go into his lungs and it turnes into barney and then we go into his throat, and we see Barney and bj and baby bop riding a Thrust SSC without the cover and we go out of the mouth and we see barney laughing next to
home video
Cheesy factor: none
SFX: barney laughing, and him saying Hi Kids!
Music: the pee wee breakfast machine song
scare factor: median
Logo: we zoom out of the text
? O
and we see barney in the middle, laughing
Here you write more fake logos you dream to be real.
Microsoft (2010-)
Nickname: The Windows Logo
Logo: In a black background, we see a Windows logo w/o the blue gradient circle from 2006-Present flying & zooming out to the left next to the Microsoft logo that is zooming out & it shines to the right & the text says below :
C o r p o r a t i o n
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The new Microsoft Windows logo from 2006-Present flies & zooms out to the left, the Microsoft logo zooms out to the right, the text fades below "C o r p o r a t i o n".
Avalibility: Most seen on Games for Windows & Xbox 360 games.
Scare Factor: None
Music: Same as Microsoft Xbox 360 console's startup.
Barney Sucks Entertainment (October 2006-Forever)
Background: Barney Sucks Entertainent produced JH Productions shows like JH's Little Einsteins, SpongeBob SquarePants, Super Why Returns, & Camazon Spamming Show.
Logo 1: 2006-2009
Nickname: "Barney, the Ugly, Big Purple Dinosaur"
Logo: We see a PBS Kids boy named Dash & a PBS Kids girl named Dot playing with their kites, then Dash & Dot go into Barney's house & Dash & Dot sees Barney, then Dot writes:
on a crayonized font with a crayon on the wall & Dash says to Barney, "You're gay!" and Dash & Dot set the bomb to Barney sitting on the couch for seconds & Dash & Dot go outside laughing, then & the bomb explodes & Barney cries.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Animated (PBS Kids boy, girl, outside background, house, crayon, & crayon drawing), Live action (Barney, lamp, table, table for lamp, plate with pizza, cup of water, TV set, & couch)
Music: Numa Numa (English) music, Dash & Dot giggling, Barney saying "Welcome!", Dash saying "You're gay!", Barney saying "Uh-oh!", Dash & Dot laughing, Explosion sound, & Barney cries.
Avalibility: Appeared on JH Productions-produced shows.
Scare Factor: Median
Logo 2: 2009-2017
Nickname: "Silver Text"
Logo: In a starry black/purple gradient background, we see the text:
Barney SUCKS
in silver, but "Barney" is in a Barney corporate logo font & "SUCKS" and "ENTERTAINMENT" is in a Garamond font.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: None, but still & superimposed.
Music: It could be none, or it could be ending credits theme.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: None
Logo 3: 2017-2022
Nicknames: "The Enhanced Silver Text", "Silver Text II", "Gold Text", The Animated Silver Text", "The Shining Silver Text"
Logo: See Logo 2, it has the same text:
Barney SUCKS
in gold, but "Barney" is in a same font (see Logo 2) & "SUCKS" and "ENTERTAINMENT" is in a same font (see Logo 2).
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The gold text shines, the stars in a same background (see Logo 2) is tingling away.
Music: Could be same as the 1988-1993 Rysher Entertainment jingle, or it could be the end credits of every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: See Logo 2
Logo 4: 2022-2042
Nickname: "Barney Pees"
Logo: On a TV screen background filled with static, we see Barney peeing at the text:
Barney Sucks
in yellow & Dash & Dot looks at the text. Then the byline fades:
A JH Productions & Train Pig Enterprises Company
& the TV screen background turns off.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The TV screen background filled with static, when the TV screen bckground turns off, Barney, the text, & Dash & Dot does not have SFX. The byline fades in.
Music: Could be same as the 1987 Universal TV jingle, or it could be the end credits of every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: Barney pees at the text is bad.
Logo 5: 2042-Forever
Nickname: "Remake of the Yellow Star"
Logo: Same as the 2nd logo of Barney Home Video, but below of this logo is the words:
wiped via an effect. Barney's eyes turn red.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Same as the 2nd logo of Barney Home Video, but the words, "HOME VIDEO" is replaced "SUCKS ENTERTAINMENT" wiped, then Barney's eyes turned red.
Music: Could be same as the 1988-1993 Lorimar Television jingle, or it could be end credits on every JH Productions-produced show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: Barney's eyes turning red might scare you & gave you some nightmares.
Matt Fox Presentations (2004-)
Backgroud: Matt Fox Presentations distributed some produced shows from JH Productions, Train Pig Films, New Age Films, Tourettes Guy Rocks Pictures, Evans Films, Grandma Studios, & Miley Sucks Pictures (Miley Sucked Pictures). MFP is a arm of Train Pig Enterprises & JH Productions.
Logo 1: 2004-2005
Nickname: "The MFP Structure"
Logo: On a light sky, we see the words in the MFP structure:
in a 20th Century Fox font & the byline fades:
in a Bauhaus 93 font.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: Never mind, it's just still, but the byline fades in.
Music: The 20th TV logo theme, On Camazon Spamming Show, it has the short version of this THX deep note or the ending credits.
Avalbility: Taken from 3rd or 4th season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants & Camazon Spamming Show.
Scare Factor: None
Logo 2: 2005-????
Barney Sucked Enterprise (1993-Forever)
Background: Barney Sucked Enterprise produced shows from JH Productions & Scooter Films (now Train Pig Films). Barney Sucked Enterprise ia a arm of Train Pig Enterprises & Hunter, Ltd..
Logo 1: 1993-2002
Nickname: "Hanna Barbera All-Stars Comedy logo Parody"
Logo: The same logo Hanna Barbera has, but different. They did the same thing that Hanna Barbera did.
1. Ren ran left.
2. Spongebob ran right and smiled while Jerry fell.
3. Stimpy shook itself and Scooby Doo was confused.
4. Tom flew in a flying saucer waving.
5. Squidward walked diagnolly up when Droopy was swinging the rope.
6. Patrick was confused, too.
7. Suddenly, Daffy Duck slammed.
FX: The cartoon charecters.
Music: Same Hanna Barbera music.
Avalibility: As of Christmas 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "Super Why Returns" Also, it appears, too at end of JH Productions movies.
Worldwide Communications
Logo 2: 2011-Present

Nickname: "The New AT&T Globe"
Logo: On a AT&T-like orange background, we see an AT&T logo used 2006 on the left & the words:
COMMUNICATIONS on the right and the byline:
A Train Pig/JH Pictures Company
is underneath the words & the words:
in association with
is on the bottom center. Followed by a Train Pig/JH Pictures logo
SFX: None, it's an superimposed logo.
Music: The ending credits of this show.
Avalibility: See Logo 1
Scare Factor: None
Go-Mark Pictures (January 2014-August 2014)
Note: In August 21st, 2014, Go-Mark Pictures in now Train Pig/JH Pictures.
Background: TBA
Logo 1: January 2014-August 21st, 2014
Nickname: "Gm"
Logo: Over a spongy yellow background, we see the G flying first & the m flies next, then it should be like this.
Go-marK Pictures
and then, the background zooms out ǻ la a 1988-1998 Film Roman logo & it turns white.
- On Little Einsteins, this logo is short & Go-marK Pctures fades below.
- On Little Einsteins Christmas, the G has the hat on & it has the snowing effect.
- On SpongeBob SquarePants, the logo is still.
- On My Gym Partner's a Monkey, they had a byline: A Train Pig Company
Kody-The-Fox's dream logos
(2007- )
Nickname: "Close Up on Hamilton Horstachio", "Hamilton Horstachio's getting snapped"
Logo: We see Hamilton Horstachio (from the Viva Pinata episode Horstachio of a different color) and he stands for getting his snapshots.
SFX/Cheesy Factor: The logo of Viva Pinata of pure energy.
Music: Hamilton Horstachio says something, er, you can't tell.
Availibity: Seen first on Viva Pinata Party in LA : Everyone Invited!. There will be a upcoming releases on that.
Scare Factor: Not so scary.
sega3dmm's Dream Logos Part III
HOMER MEDIA (1973-present)
Background: Homer Media distributes international prints of shows from Orion Television, Genesis, ITC, and Jasondows Corporation. As recently as 2006, it has started to produce its own shows as well.
Logo 1: 1973-1975
Logo: On a space background, we see 2 triangles and a circle arranged to look like the letter A zoom up to the screen. HOMER MEDIA fades in below.
Music: Ending theme or a generic fanfare.
Variations: On ITC programs, AND fades below.
Availability: Was last seen on "Farthest Reaches".
Scare Factor: High with the generic fanfare.
Logo 2: 1975- 1980
Logo : On a space background, we see a bright flash, and the words HOMER MEDIA flash in. It shines.
Music: A five-note synth tune. On "Camp Daisy", the ending theme was used.
Availability: Extremely rare, was last seen on "Camp Daisy", "Road Rash", and "Revenge of Sara".
Scare Factor: Medium.
Logo 3: 1980-1983
Logo: On a shady green background, the word HOMER flips in, letter by letter. MEDIA fades below, in the font used for the Key Video logo. The whole thing sparkles.
Music: 3 notes- C, E, G. Then a drumbeat is heard.
- "Long Tail Kitty" had the byline "A Service Trademark of Homer Media Affiliates, Inc".
- "Bright Idea" had the byline "A Division of Homer Media Affiliates, Inc."
- This logo was also adapted for Homer Media's short-lived home video division. Instead of MEDIA fading in, HOME VIDEO replaced it. A different theme was also heard.
Availability: Extremely Rare. You can see it on videotapes of Bright Idea distributed by IVE.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 4: 1983- 1988
Logo: On a white background, we see a person, wearing socks, shoes, a shirt, and pants, like humans. Attached to his hand is a flag saying the word HOMER. MEDIA is at the bottom of the screen. This is the first Homer Media logo to have a (R) bug.
Music: Ending theme or a cute little ditty.
- "Open Sores" had the cat bleeding on the ground. This was quickly scrapped and replaced with Logo 5, but some tapes of the show released by RCA/Columbia have it.
- "Oregon Pain" had the byline A DIVISION OF HOMER ENTERTAINMENT.
Availability: Uncommon, but not rare- at least for the normal version.
Scare Factor: None for the normal version, Nightmare for the one with the blood.
Logo 5: 1988-1993
Logo: On a starry background, we see Homer J. Simpson in a swimsuit floating in water, holding a sign reading HOMER MEDIA. You can see he is a little sunburned.
Music: Seagulls. "Open Sores" had a 6 note theme.
Availability: Uncommon.
Scare Factor: None. This is a cute logo.
Logo 6: 1993-1996
Logo: We see Homer J. Simpson as the previous logo, although this time he is skateboarding along a highway. He passes three cars and then crashes into a tree. HOMER MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT fades in below. "A Homer Entertainment Company" appears below the title.
Music: A flute tune and then a cartoon-style CRASH as Homer hits the tree. Can have the ending theme play over it.
- "Kendra's Krib" : Homer is distracted by a human female teenager and then crashes into a tree.
- "Long Tail Kitty" : A still logo is shown of Homer crashing into the tree.
- "Orange Gus": Homer crashes into a lamppost.
- "Library Matters": Homer is skateboarding on a bridge over the lake and crashes into, suprisingly, a tree. ENTERTAINMENT is omitted.
Availability: Not quite uncommon, but not quite current, either. Programs like CBS's KOL Secret Slumber Party and The Incredible World of DiC Saturday Morning Block air "Long Tail Kitty" and "Orange Gus", so you can see it.
Scare Factor: Low, unless you don't like cats crashing.
Logo 7: 1996-2000
Logo: We see Homer in Logos 6 and 5. This time, he's bowling. When the bowling ball hits the pins, the words HOMER MEDIA pop up in a cartoony style wiggling around. "A Homer Entertainment Company" appears below the words.
Music: The sound of a bowling ball hitting bowling pins.
- "California Design" had the bowling ball colored pink.
- "New Science of the Unthinkable" had a still shot of the finished logo.
Availability: Common, can be seen on shows of the era.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 8: 2000-2002
By this time, the Homer Entertainment company had been discontinued when they were bought outright by Corus Entertainment, which kept the HOMER MEDIA name.
Logo: Inside a red, white, and blue circle, we see the familiar yellow-skinned person pop out of it , arms outstreched. Suddenly, CGI confetti falls from the top of the screen and HOMER MEDIA fades in in a cursive font.
From 2000 to early 2001, the words CELEBRATING THE NEW MILLENNIUM were seen at the bottom of the screen. This variation is extremely rare.
Music: 3 notes, and a synth cord in E sharp.
Availability: Common for 2001-2002, Rare for 2000. "Robyn's Journey" kept the Millennium logo when it was released on video and DVD, so you can see it on there.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 9: 2003-2006
Logo: In the 0 of a huge 30, we see Homer from the 80s and 90s, except he's lounging. His bottle of Duff, which is dangling down from the 0, is carrying Maggie, which is holding a flag reading YEARS OF. The HOMER MEDIA text is seen below, shining.
Music: A triumphant 2 secont fanfare.
- Sony Pictures Television, which normally edits out Homer Media logos, kept this intact on "Young Rich", except they inserted a PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH line below HOMER MEDIA.
- CELEBRATING OVER was seen above the 30 in 2004.
Availability: Common.
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 10: 2007-present
[[Your Dream Logos Part Three|303px|Your Dream Logos Part Three - CLG Wiki]]
Logo : On a white background, we see two triangles and a circle merge together to form the Homer Media logo , styled like that in the 70s; It shines, then THE HOMER MEDIA text swoops down from the top of the screen. As soon it is done, the background turns shady blue.
Music: None. The logo can have the ending theme over it.
Availability: Current. Can be seen anywhere.
Scare Factor: None, you'll just be annoyed by the lack of Homer J. Simpson which has graced the Homer name for over 10 years.
Viacom International (June 2008-)
Logo: On a black background, an orange ball drops to the center of the screen. It grows to fill up the screen orange, then it zooms out to the center revealing the VIACOM logo, then the text "International" fades in below it.
SFX: Nice animation.
Music: Usally the end theme of a show, or a soft drum beat.
Avalibility: Seen on Fall 2008 episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Scare factor: None.
NBC Universal Home Entertainment (May 2008)
Background: In 2008, Universal Studios Home Entertainment was renamed to NBC Universal Home Entertainment.
Nickname: "Starburst"
Logo: On a black background, a big burst of golden light emerges from the center of the screen. Then the text "NBC UNIVERSAL," fades in sandwiched between a circular globe motif in Cooperplate Gothic Bold font. In a second,the six-feathered NBC pea---- fades in with a very bright shine between "NBC" and "UNIVERSAL" then it loses it's shine so it can be visible. These objects slightly zoom out to its familiar distance, as the text "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" fades in beneath the "NBC" and "UNIVERSAL" and above the bottom of the globe motif, in Cooperplate Gothic font. After a few seconds, the "NBC", six-featherd peacok, "UNIVERSAL", and "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" disappears and then some text appears. The first half of the text is below the top of the circular globe motif and the second half of the text is above the bottom of the globe motif. That text will read one of the following:
- "NOW PLAYING IN THEATERS" (this one is rare)
- "CHECK OUT WHAT'S HAPPENING ON NBC" (another rare one)
Short version: There is also a short version that starts by fading in at the middle when the NBC Universal Home Entertainment logo is visible, before fading out into the text at the end.
SFX: Nice CGI.
Chessy factor: An original plan for a logo in an unoriginal method. The look of the logo is from the 2004 NBC Universal Television logo.
Music: Dramatic music by Hans Zimmer. On the short version, there's no music at all. Both versions, on occasion, have a voiceover reading the text at the end of the logo.
Avalibility: Will be seen on Universal and NBC DVDs' from May 2008 to when another logo idea as hatched.
Scare factor: Low
logoboy95's Dream Logos
SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES (1990-present)
Background: Slap T. Pooch Pictures distributes some Nickelodeon movies. In 2006, Slap T. Pooch Pictures now starts producing Austin Systems movies as well.
Logo 1: 1990-1998
Nickname: "The Four Triangles"
Logo: On a black background, we see four colorful triangles flying from the screen and over the triangles is the word SLAP. The words SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES fades in underneath, and the byline appears under the company name.
FX: The triangles flying.
Music: Plays over the ending theme.
Availability: Last seen on the first season of "The Nickelodeon Haypile Show".
Scare Factor: None.
Logo 2: 1998-present
Nicknames: "The Disney Castle" ---> "Slap T. Pooch", "Colorful Slap"
Logo: We see the Disney castle and then a ball forms to change the logo, then we reveal the Oh Yeah! Cartoons character Slap T. Pooch, in cartoon form, with Movie Maker colorful effects. The words SLAP T. POOCH PICTURES, in purple, zooms in the middle of the screen.
FX: The Disney castle changing to Slap.
Music: Either the long or the short version of the 1985 Walt Disney Television theme.
Availability: As of Thanksgiving 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "The Nickelodeon Haypile Show". Also, it appears too at the end of some Austin Systems movies.
Scare Factor: Low.
HIT Entertainment
Nickname: "Pingu Goes Fishing"
Logo: We see a black penguin, Pingu, fishing. He nuggs, then we reveal the HiT logo. The words "MMVII The Pygos Group" fades in above the logo.
FX: 2-D Animation.
Music: We possibly hear Pingu nugging, followed by a "kissing" sound.
Availability: Can be seen on "Pingu".
Scare Factor: Very low. This logo may surprise you when Pingu fishing is catching off guard.
Austin Systems Television (2006-)
Nickname: "2000s 3-D AS"
Logo: On a pinkish purple background, we see a yellow "A", with a red "S" joined together. The words "Austin Systems" was seen in a 3-D font above the "AS", with "N" in "Austin" and "S" in "Systems" in a font resembling the "Rocko's Modern Life" ending credits, and "TELEVISION" is seen in another 3-D font underneath. Sometimes, the "I" in "TELEVISION" is being upward.
FX: None, it's a still logo.
Music: Usually the outro of a TV show.
Availability: Seen on "Paramount: The Animated Series" on the Motherboards Network.
Scare Factor: Low.
heart1994's dream logos
Pervy McQueen Sucks Productions
Logo 1: 1993-2002
Nickname: "Hanna Barbera All-Stars Comedy logo Parody"
Logo: The same logo Hanna Barbera has, but different. They did the same thing that Hanna Barbera did.
1. The 1984-86 Rede Globo logo ran left.
2. The 1957-82 MGM logo ran right and smiled while the Columbia Torch Lady fell.
3. The 1975-85 Rede Globo logo shook itself and the 1924-28 MGM logo (Slats) was confused.
4. The 1928-56 MGM logo (Jackie) flew in a flying saucer waving.
5. The 1956-57 MGM logo (Bob) walked diagnolly up when the Rede Globo Plim Plim was swinging the rope.
6. The 1966-69 Rede Globo was confused too.
7. Suddenly, the 1984-86 Rede Globo logo slammed.
FX: The logos.
Music: Same Hanna Barbera music.
Availability: As of Christmas 2007, this logo currently appears on brand-new episodes of "The Pervy McQueen Show". Also, it appears too at the end of some Caitlin Systems movies.
Scare Factor: High!!
Logo 2: 2002-present
Nickname: "Target"
Logo: On a shady blue background, there is a target. The words
Pervy McQueen Sucks Productions
pop out in light blue.
FX: The words.
Music: A 3-note piano chord, then the drumbeat playing 4 times.
Availability: Same as Logo 1.
Scare Factor: Low.
Jonghyunchung's dream logos
Warpstar, Inc. Entertainment
Nickname: "Kabu, Warpstar!"
Logo: We see a pan-out of Kabu. The screen pans in, then cuts to a close-up where Kabu's mouth slides down, revealing the Warpstar. It spins around, then flies out of Kabu's mouth and into the sky. As it does so, the screen fades out to white, then in to reveal the logo that reads "WARP STAR Inc. Entertainment".
FX: The Warpstar "shining" and revealing stars.
Music: The synth theme from the 1986 "Sorcerer Mickey" logo.
Availability: Can only be seen on anime DVD prints, usually the original Japanese version of "Kirby: Right Back at Ya!".
Scare Factor: None.
Yomoneyboat's Dream Logos
Nicknames: "V of Doom... AGAIN!" "V of... Doom?"
Logo: Against a white marble background (similar to Lorimar Television), the text "Viacom" appears along the bottom (in the classic \/I/-\CO/\/\ font), with no effects at all. The classic-cut purple "V" fades in, then changes to just an outline. The whole image fades out.
FX: Next to none.
Music: The classic 5-note music from the V of Doom, only this time it's performed with a full orchestra, and sounds much warmer. At the end of the jingle an extra orchestra hit is added, if the television station allows for time.
Availability: Seen on "Adventures of Slick Bill," "The Life of J. Esus," and "Welcome to the Internet."
Scare Factor: Low, many liked this mellower version of the nightmare-inducing "V of Doom."
Lexington Broadcast Services
Nicknames: "LBS of Doom" "LBS From Hell"
Logo: Against a black background, ripples (as if in water) begin to appear, getting faster and more frequent. Suddenly, the screen "implodes"- as if the TV was turned off. A golden, 3D "LBS" (in the classic font) zooms in towards the screen. A flash of light occurs and "lexington broadcasting" appears beneath the LBS. Fade out.
FX: The ripples and LBS logo are nicely done in CGI.
Music: A rising orchestral tone as the ripples increase in intensity, and an orchestra hit as the screen implodes. A "warm" synth pad as the LBS fades in.
Availability: Extinct. Was seen when LBS made a short comeback. Phased out with Sony/Paramount/Columbia logos on reruns.
Scare Factor: Nightmare. The music is too loud, and the LBS zooms in way too fast.
Teacup Productions
Logo 1 (Late 2006-Late 2007)
Nickname: Phrase Of Staleness
Logo: Just The Phrase
FX: None its a still logo
Music: The ending theme of the show
Avaliblety: Extinct
Scare Factor: High
Silversword55's Dream Logos
Scooter Films
1st Logo
Note: Scooter Films became Train Pig Films in 2008.
Nickname: "The Scooter" "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!"
Logo: On a sunset background, with hills, we see a big, green scooter riding on the road, then a gold conestoga wagon following it. A young adult, named Victor, is riding the scooter. An old man comes out of the wagon and says "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!" The camera stops, and Scooter Films forms when the scooter and wagon dives away.
SFX: Live action.
Music: Driving sounds, with a western tune and "air" playing on the background. Then, an old man, saying "Yo Victor, Drive Faster!" When the scooter moves faster, the tune, and "air" plays louder.
Availability: Can be found on and Scooter Films produced movies.
Scare Factor: Low, the old man can get to you, but otherwise harmless.
2nd Logo
Logo: We see 4 beautiful, young women, driving scooters. One of them are driving a red scooter, the other rode a purple scooter, the 3rd woman rode a sky blue scooter, and the last woman, is riding a gold scooter. Then, they all wave at us, drive off, and Scooter Films forms.
- In "Baywatch: The Movie" (obviously made up by me), the girls are wearing beach attire (:D :D), and the girls also whistle, instead of saying the company's name.
SFX: See logo 1.
Music: Same as logo 1 but with 2 differences.
- The western tune has been changed to a more mellow, slower paced country rock tune....
- ....and Instead of the old man saying "You Victor, Drive Faster", The four girls says "SCOOTER FILMS!"
Availability: Same as logo 1.
Scare Factor: None whatsoever.
Wind Dancer Productions
Nickname: "WD" "The Wind Dancers" "Dove and Ballet Dancer"
Logo: In a huge garden with many flowers, bushes, and rivers with bridges with them, and a light pink sky, we see a birds eye view of the garden with a dove (a bird that symbolizes peace) flys in front of us, the camera pans, to the bird, following it, as the dove descends almost to the ground,and the camera stops above a river with a bridge on it. The dove flew off screen to the left, revealing a White W with a black outline, in a Times New Roman Font, and a ballet dancer, in a pink ballet dress, jumps on the bridge, stands on one toe, spins around twice, and jumps off the bridge, and off screen to the right. As she jumps off the bridge a White D, appears, also white, with a black outline, in a Times New Roman Font, and it's interlocked with the W. 3 lines, representing "wind" wipes
In an Arial Font, in white.
- On "Renegade" (made up show), as the ballet dancer jumps off the bridge, a bullet catches her from behind, and screams when she says "Wind Dancer" didn't even get to finish saying the companys name, so she winds up saying "Wind DancAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She falls on the ground, with a lot of blood on her back.
Music: A dreamy, majestic tune, sounding like the DiC jingle from 1990, with some whooshes, and air playing in the background. When the logo completes forming, a female voice says "WIND..... DANCER"
Availability: Regular version appears in "The New Home Improvement" and "The New Roseanne"
Scare Factor: Low for regular version, because some won't like the feminine feel of the logo. Median for the variant.
Worldwide Communications Inc.
(1992-March 2011)
Nicknames: "AT&T Globe"
Logo: Just a black background with the AT&T Globe they had in 1992, with "Worldwide Communications" in the same font that AT&T usually uses for their logos. The byline below would appear depending on the year it showed.
- "A Scooter Films/JH Company" (1992-2008)
- "A Train Pig/JH Company" (2008-2011)
SFX: None.
Music: Some telephone beeps and telephone ringings.
Availaibity: Can be seen on "Police Unit" (again, made up show) in syndication.
Scare Factor: None.
OD Productions
(2010-March 2011)
Logo: A bunch of red/blue/gold lines come down to the screen, then combine into 1 gold/yellow/orange line. The line then shrinks from the top and the bottom, and when it finishes, there is an orange light flash. the flash does down to reveal
SFX: The lines forming "OD Productions"
Music: A ding sound when the logo is complete.
Availability: Also Seen on "Police Unit" in syndication
Scare Factor: Low to Median.
Worldwide Productions
Background: On March 11, 2011, Worldwide Communications and OD Productions announced they will combine to form Worldwide Productions, effective that day.
1st Logo
Logo: On a watery background, some rain drops hit the water, and the left side of the logo appears. Then the right side of the logo appears and the camera pans close into the logo, and water runs away from the logo. The camera view switches to in the water and it pans up to reveal the logo, which looks like
World (yellow globe design) Wide
Availability: Can be seen on "The New Home Improvement," "Silver Slugger," "Police Unit," "Death By Degrees," and any JH Productions-produced shows. P R O D U C T I O N S
In a BD Sirca font, on a rectangular-like structure, but curved a little to the bottom, is floating above water. The top section of the structure is blue, and the bottom section is yellow. and "P R O D U C T I O N S" is spaced out to fit the entire width of the rectangle.
A Train Pig/JH Company
In the same font, but on a smaller rectangular like structure floats above water.
SFX: The logo looks really amazing.
Music: A calming, friendly synthesized humming tune, with a harp tune.
SFX: The logo looks really amazing.
Music: A calming, friendly synthesized humming tune, with a harp tune.
Scare Factor: None.
2nd Logo
Nicknames: "The Line" "Livewire Waves"
Logo: In a blue background, a yellow line appears on the middle of the screen. It then waves a bit, then forms the Worldwide Productions logo from logo 1. After the logo is complete, some globes made of steel spins around on the background (a la New Age Films (which is one of my other dream logos))
On the logo's last year (2021), the line forms the 20th anniversary logo (same logo, but with 2 triangles, the top triangle containing the Worldwide Communications, and the bottom triangle contains the OD Productions (both in their respective colors).
SFX: The lines waving, then forming the logo.
Music: IN the beginning, it has a short piano tune, with some drawing sounds. When the logo is completed, a hip-hop tune which sounds exactly like Columbia Pictures Television's 1987-1993 jingle plays.
Availability: See logo 1.
Scare Factor: None again.
3rd Logo
Nickname: "The Rotating Chamber Of Doom"
Logo: In a chamber filled with very wide blue oval rubber like machines rotating around the chamber in circles, the camera pans through the room, and stops in front of a huge, pad-like pedestal with the same rubber like machines, containing the Worldwide Productions logo.
- Seen On Halloween episodes: The entire chamber is in Orange & Black. Also, there is "Happy Halloween From" on top of the logo. A ghost says "Happy Holloween from..... Worldwide Productions!"
- Seen on Christmas episodes: Like the Halloween variation, but the chamber is Snow White, Green, & Red. Also, "Merry Christmas From" in on top of the logo. Santa says "Ho ho hohohohohohoho! Merry Christmas from....... Worldwide Productions!"
SFX: Great CGI.
Music: The last half ofNFL Total Access (NFL network show)'s theme.
Availability: Seen on shows from the era.
Scare Factor: Median to High, the camera panning fast, as if it were gonna crash on something, will scare a lot of viewers.
3 Dinner Plates Productions
2nd Logo
(July 2012-August 2016)
Nickname: "What's For Dinner?"
Logo: First, We see a wooden table with 3 plates, each with a fork, a knife, and a cup next to it. The 1st plate has a "3" printed on it, the 2nd has a "D", and the last plate has a "P". Now to the animation, a waiters hand takes a cup, and puts soda on it, and places to the plate, repeat for the other 2 plates. Then he takes the plate, and the plate returns with a plate full of rice with chicken, and a 3 little steaks. Repeat for the other 2, but the 2nd plate has fries, with shrimp and steamed chicken, and the last plate returns with 3 hott dogs and a burger. Then another waiter delivers side dishes of corn, mozzarella sticks, crab legs, and biscuits. All of that animation was in very fast speed. Then
Flashes in word by word.
SFX: Extremely fast animation + the words flashing in.
Music: A deep,6 note xylophone sounder with chatter and cooking sounds. Then Another 4 notes from the xylophone plays when "3 Dinner Plates Productions" flashes in word by word.
Availability: It was seen on the new "Get The Picture" seen on Nickelodeon, and Syndicated.
Scare Factor: This logo will only make you hungry.
SFX: Extremely fast animation + the words flashing in.
Music: A deep,6 note xylophone sounder with chatter and cooking sounds. Then Another 4 notes from the xylophone plays when "3 Dinner Plates Productions" flashes in word by word.
Availability: It was seen on the new "Get The Picture" seen on Nickelodeon, and Syndicated.
Scare Factor: This logo will only make you hungry.
Note: Rockit is the channel that brings cartoons so good they were cancelled back to TV. Examples of shows brought to Rockit are "Hamtaro", "The Ren & Stimpy Show" and "Invader ZIM". It is a company from the Maxwell family, owned by The Walt Disney Company.Logo 1 (2008-Present)
Nickname: The Rocket
Logo: On a starry background, a cartoony blue YTV-style rocket zooms down below the camera and zooms up to the screen in circles. It stops at the center, and below it appears
in sky blue Boink LET font. A byline saying: A MAXWELL ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY
fades in below before the logo fades out quickly. (The text 'Walt Disney' is written in the regular Disney font)
FX: The rocket zooming.
Music: None, just a cartoony rocket zoom.
Availability: Seen on shows distributed by Rockit, such as the later episodes of "Hamtaro" and "The New Ren & Stimpy Show".
Scare Factor: Low.
Torch lady's dream logos
Barney home video
Nickname: Barney Inside
Logo: we see barneys heart for 3 seconds, pumping and then it morph into barneys head and he says Hi Kids! and we go into his lungs and it turnes into barney and then we go into his throat, and we see Barney and bj and baby bop riding a Thrust SSC without the cover and we go out of the mouth and we see barney laughing next to
home video
Cheesy factor: none
SFX: barney laughing, and him saying Hi Kids!
Music: the pee wee breakfast machine song
scare factor: median
Logo: we zoom out of the text
? O
and we see barney in the middle, laughing