Movie Buzz Home Video (Indonesia)
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Background: Movie Buzz Home Video was an indie spin-off VCD distributor of Magixeyes Entertainment. It shut down in 2007.

Nickname: "The Blatant Re-Use of Stock Sound Effects, Part II"
Logo: A CGI red star zooms out from top left corner, followed by a horizontal red-white rectangle flipping slowly, facing the viewers. Then, a VCD-shaped O zooms in, placing itself to the rectangle, followed by the letters m, v, i, and e, starting to appear bronze changing their colors to black. Then, BUZZ moves snake-ly from the top, filling the red side of the square, later sparkles. All over a space background. Later, a scratchy light revealing HOME VIDEO, while the background turns into grainy white.
FX/SFX: The zoom outs, the light. Cheap CGI. Made even cheaper by the fact the same stock sound effects from the Medialine and Magixeyes logos are also to be found here.
Music/Sounds: Starts off with a soothing synth tune, followed by a string hit and synth windchime sounds from the Medialine Entertainment and Magixeyes Entertainment logos, followed by an airy whistling sound when the O comes, the string hit and windchimes again, a combination of a laser zap and a string note playing 4 times, a weird ascending synth tune, and a sparkling tune, finally the 2/3 part of the MediaLine theme, abruptly fades out and ends. Most of them are possibly stock sound effects.
Availability: Seen on indie films distributed by the company in Indonesia.
Editor's Note: None.