Various Warning Screen Descriptions

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ABC Video Warning Screen (1986-1995)
Warning: On a black background, we see the yellow word "WARNING" and white warning text below it in the Courier font.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare. Most releases that were branded with the "ABC Video Enterprises" label were co-produced with other video labels, using the warning of the parent label. As a result, this warning only appears on standalone titles.

Scare Factor: Minimal.

Warning: On a blue background is scrolling warning text in the Courier font. The word "WARNING" appears in yellow and the generic text is white.
FX/SFX: The scrolling of the text.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Seen on Academy Entertainment releases.
Scare Factor: Minimum.

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Warning: We see the white warning text scrolling up on a black background and stopping at the center of the screen.

FX/SFX: The scrolling of the text.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on BMG Video releases.

Scare Factor: Minimal.

Burbank Video Warning Screen

: On a black background, there is "FBI WARNING" and the generic text, all in white and in an odd skinny font.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Appears on Burbank Video releases.
Scare Factor: None.

Cabin Fever Entertainment


Warning: On a shady cadet blue/light pink gradient background, we see the words "FBI WARNING" in a yellow Times New Roman font at the top of the screen, underlined in red. Below it is the generic warning text in white, which takes up most of the screen.

FX/SFX: None.

Availability: Appears on Cabin Fever Entertainment releases, including those of Cabin Fever/RHI Film Classics.

Scare Factor: None.

(1980s)Various Warning Screen Descriptions - CLG Wiki

Warning: There exists two columns, a white and grey column, separated by a black line. On the top column are the letters "FBI" in black the red "WARNING", blinking on and off, both in a western-style font. On the bottom column is the warning text in white.
FX/SFX: The blinking of "WARNING".
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Seen on Camp Video releases.
Scare Factor: Low, unlike the logo that follows.

Cannon Video


Cannon Video Warning
Warning: On a dark blue background, we see a horizontal black rectangle. On the left of the rectangle , we see the standard FBI logo in white, and on the right of it is the white warning text. Above the rectangle is the word "WARNING" in red. There is also a white border surrounding the rectangle.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on VHS releases from Cannon Video.

Scare Factor: Like most warnings in this format, low to medium. Seeing the FBI logo and warning text inside one entire square is pretty unsettling.

Celebrity Home Entertainment/(Celebrity's) Just for Kids Home Entertainment

Celebrity Home Entertainment Warning

Warning: On a black background, we see the red words "FBI WARNING" (with WARNING blinking on and off) with white shadow. On the bottom, we see the white warning text.

FX/SFX: The blinking of "WARNING".

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Rare. Can be seen on several tapes by Celebrity Home Entertainment.

Scare Factor: Low. The blinking of "WARNING" may get to you.

1st Warning

Warning: On a teal background, there is a black rectangle with "FBI" in an Impact font and a bigger FBI seal, which is slightly different from most other warning screens in this format. On the right is a white square with "WARNING" and black text.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: The design is totally "off."

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Continental Video, Comet Video (its sister label) and VCL releases.

Scare Factor: Low to medium. The design of the FBI logo can catch you off guard.
2nd Warning

Various Warning Screen Descriptions - CLG Wiki
Warning: Basically the same as the 1981-2004 Warner Home Video warning screen, except it's a little scratched up and the white has an orangish color scheme.

Variant: On Cinema Group Home Video releases, the warning transitions to the standard logo via a checkerboard effect.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on later Continental Video tapes and all Cinema Group Home Video releases.

Scare Factor: Low to medium.

Embassy Home Entertainment

1st Warning

Embassy Home Entertainment Warning Screen (1982-1985) Part 1Embassy Home Entertainment Warning Screen (1982-1985) Part 2
Warning: On a black background, we see the words "COPYRIGHT NOTICE" and warning text in yellow.

Variant: There is a variant with dark orange text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Very rare. Seen on early Embassy releases at the time, including An Eye for An Eye, Summer Lovers, The Soldier, and Zapped; also seen on VidAmerica releases, such as James Dean: The First American Teenager.

Scare Factor
: None.

2nd Warning
(Mid-Late 1980s)

See New Line Home Entertainment Warning Screen.
Everland Entertainment/Word Inc. FBI WarningWarning: On a periwinkle background, we see the white word "WARNING" and warning text below in white (this is the FBI Warning you see on the Right), and the Warning text has a black outline.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on some VHS releases of VeggieTales & Psalty Tapes by Everland/Word Entertainment (They occasionally borrow Lyrick Studios' Warnings on VeggieTales tapes).

Scare Factor: None.

HiT Entertainment


HiT Entertainment WarningHiT Entertainment INTERPOL (A)HiT Entertainment INTERPOL (B)

Warning: On a blue background, we see a white bar with the blue words "FBI WARNING" at the left. On the right, we see the white warning text. It would then cut into an INTERPOL warning, in which a blue word "INTERPOL" was in place of "FBI WARNING" and there was white INTERPOL text. Moments later, the INTERPOL text changes.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on VHS and DVD releases from HiT Entertainment.

Scare Factor: None.

(Karl) Lorimar Home Video

Lorimar Warning ScreenLorimar Warning (1985)Karl-Lorimar or Lorimar Home Video warningLorimar Warning (No FBI)

Warning: On a black background, we see a red box-shaped border with the words "FBI WARNING" in a thick red font with white outline. The following white warning text is seen below:
All rights reserved

  • Some releases don't have the Lorimar copyright info. The red border is also smaller.
  • Some releases black out the Lorimar copyright info. This was mainly seen on Forum Home Video releases
  • Some releases omit the "FBI" letters. The warning text is also aligned to the right.
  • The phrase "All rights reserved" may not be visible.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Very rare.

Scare Factor: Minimal to low.


Various Warning Screen Descriptions - CLG WikiVarious Warning Screen Descriptions - CLG Wiki

Warning: On a black background, the words "-FBI WARNING-" (with hyphens surrounding them) scroll up. Underneath them is generic white text, which also scrolls up. Both of them are in a white Arial text.

FX/SFX: The scrolling of the text.

Note: It is worth mentioning that Section 505 of Title 17 of the US Code is mentioned when other warnings reference Sections 501 and/or 506.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Found on releases from KVC Home Video.

Scare Factor: Minimum.

King of Video/Paragon Video Productions


Warning: On a black background, we see the purple words "FBI WARNING" with a white shadow. On the bottom, we see the warning text also in white.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: Everything is very cheap looking, plus the purple/white "FBI WARNING" seems to be duplicated.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Paragon Video Productions and King of Video releases.

Scare Factor: Low.

King World Direct/Haber Video/Hallmark Home Entertainment/McDonalds/Evergreen Entertainment


McDonalds Warning Screen (A)McDonalds Warning Screen (B)

Warning: On a black background, the word "WARNING" appears in white with a red line underneath. The following text appears below

Unauthorized duplication
is a violation of Federal
copyright laws.

Then, it would fade to a new screen. On a black background, the words "FBI WARNING" appear in red above, with white text below.

FX/SFX: The fade from one screen to the next.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on various releases by Haber Video and some by Hallmark Home Entertainment. Also seen on The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald videos released from 1998-2001. However, the 2003 VHS of the last Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald ("Have Time, Will Travel") is the rarest of all tapes. Can be seen on KingWorld Direct videos released from 1996.

Scare Factor: Minimum.

Labatt Brewing Corp.

Blades of Summer warning screen

Warning: On a violet background, we see "WARNING:" text in red and the warning text below in white.

FXSFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on the 1987 release of Labatt's Blades of Summer: Hockey Highlights.

Scare Factor: Minimal.

Lyrick Studios/The Lyons Group
1st Warning
The Lyons Group Warning Screen (1988-1992)
Warning: On a black background appears white Warning text reading...

The material on this video product
is protected by copyright. It is for
use by purchaser only and any other
use including copying or reproduction,
in whole or in part, is prohibited by law.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on early Lyrick Studios releases such as Barney in Concert , Rock with Barney, and Barney's Birthday.

Scare Factor: None.

2nd Warning

Lyrick Studios WarningLyrick Studios INTERPOL (A)Lyrick Studios INTERPOL (B)
Warning: A slightly altered version of the 3rd Media/Hi-Tops/Transworld/Heron Video FBI and Interpol Warning, except it uses yellow text, a Purple Stone Background, and the line above "INTERPOL WARNING" is absent.

FX/SFX: None except for the fading of the INTERPOL text.

  • The HiT Entertainment Release of Veggietales: The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown has similar FBI Warnings, but the text is white, and the background isn't stone, and the FBI Seal is absent.
Availability: Seen on Lyrick Studios releases on VHS like VeggieTales & Barney, as well as early HiT Entertainment releases. It is even on some Everland/Word Entertainment Tapes of VeggieTales from 1998 to 2001 such as some copies of Lyle the Kindly Viking, King George & The Ducky, Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen, Where's God When I'm S-Scared, Josh & The Big Wall! (Which only used the first screen, much like the Lyrick Studios Copy), and Very Silly Songs! (Which only used the first screen, much like the Lyrick Studios Copy).

Scare Factor: None.

Misteria Zvuka (Russia)


Misteria Zvuka Blu-ray Warning
Warning: On a computerized blue background, we see the word "WARNING!" in Russian and the white warning text below it. There are two small logos of the distributor and the Blu-ray disc in the corners. This warning screen doesn't change to other logo - there are no any more.

FX/SFX: The background shines.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on local Blu-rays in Russia only.

Scare Factor: None. This is the best Russian warning after the simple black-BG ones.

New Star Video

1st Warning
New Star Warning (A)New Star Warning (B)

Warning: Same as the early Media/Hi-Tops/Transworld/Heron warning screens, the only difference being that the background is bright maroon.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: The dark red makes it look quite cheap.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on New Star Video/Entertainment releases of the time.

Scare Factor: None.

New World Video

1st Warning
Western-World warning

Warning: On a sky blue background, we see a black rectangle with the standard FBI logo in white. On the right is a white box with "WARNING" in a gray font and the black warning text below.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: The entire logo is badly grainy.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on a VHS of Fraternity Vacation.

Scare Factor: Like most warnings in this format, low to medium. The cheap graininess of the logo may also unnerve some.

New World Video Warning (1985-1989)

2nd Warning

Warning: On a black background are the words "FBI WARNING:" and warning text below in white.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on New World Video and Learning Corporation of America releases.

Scare Factor: None.

NFL Films Video Library


Warning: On a violet/orange gradient background, we see white warning text in capitals. Below it is the copyright text "(c) 1987 NFL FILMS Inc." in the same font.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on NFL Films video releases distributed by Heron Communications.

Scare Factor: None.

Parade Video
Parade Warnin\g

Warning: On a black/blue gradient background, we see the words "FBI WARNING" in red, and white warning text below. Everything is italicized and the "FBI WARNING" words flash.

FX/SFX: The "FBI WARNING" text flashing.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Parade Video releases.

Scare Factor: Minimal.
1st Warning

Western-World warning
Warning: Same as the first New World Video FBI Warning.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: The entire logo is badly grainy.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on Prism Entertainment releases up until 1992. Also spotted on a New World VHS of Fraternity Vacation and a Western-World VHS of Kicks.

Scare Factor: Like most warnings in this format, low to medium. The cheap graininess of the logo may also unnerve some.

2nd Warning
ABC Video Enterprises Warning
Warning: On a grey marble background, we see "WARNING" in red, with white text below.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on Prism Entertainment releases up until 1996.

Scare Factor: None.

Random House Home Video

(1984-1995, 1999)

Random House Home Video WarningWarning: On a black background, we see the following text in white:
Duplication in whole or in part of
this video cassette is prohibited.

Below is the white warning text:
WARNING: Federal law provides
severe civil and criminal penalties
for the unauthorized reproduction,
distribution or exhibition
of copyrighted works.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on pre-1995 Random House Home Video releases. It also returned on some Sony Wonder-distributed releases.

Scare Factor: None.

Rhino Home Video

1st Warning

Rhino Home Video WarningWarning: On a striped pink/brown gradient background, we see the yellow words "A FRIENDLY REMINDER FROM THE...", and below them, the large letters "FBI" zoom out one by one. Then the official FBI seal and a photo of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover fade in at the lower right corner and white typewriter-style warning text was written via a typewriter effect below the FBI letters. A yellow doodle of a beard, glasses and hair was being sketched over J. Edgar Hoover's face.

FX/SFX: Almost everything.

Music/Sounds: A dramatic fanfare. Three whooshes were heard when the letters zoom out.

Availability: Rare. Seen on some Rhino Home Video releases from the late 90s. It also might be on MST3K DVDs by Rhino. It was spotted on a DVD of Transformers: The Movie (Not the Live-Action one, the animated one).

Scare Factor: Low. The dramatics may get to some.

2nd Warning

Warning: On a blue background, we see the large words "FBI WARNING" in white (although "FBI" is much larger) with the FBI seal sitting next to them. We see small warning text below in white.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on some Rhino DVD releases.

Scare Factor: Minimal.

Shout! Factory

1st Warning
Shout Factory Warning Screen (2003)

: On a black background, we see "FBI WARNING" in a red font that was similar to Time News Roman. Below it is white text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Shout! Factory releases of the era.

Scare Factor: None.
2nd Warning
Shout Factory Warning Screen (2007)

: On a red moving spiral/globe/grid backdrop, "FBI ANTI-PIRACY WARNING" in the Impact font (with "FBI ANTI-PIRACY" in white and "WARNING" in red) fades in along with the FBI seal. After that, white generic text wipes in at the bottom of "WARNING".
FX/SFX: The background, the fading of the seal and "FBI ANTI-PIRACY WARNING", the text wiping in.
Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Shout! Factory releases of the era.

Scare Factor: None.

3rd Warning
Shout Factory Warning Screen (2007) #2

Same as the 1981-2004 Warner Home Video FBI Warning, except the FBI Seal is colored.

FX/SFX: None

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: Seen on some Shout! Factory releases, such as Sonic the Hedgehog (SATAM): The Complete Series.

Scare Factor: Like most Warnings in this format, none to low.

Sony Music Entertainment/Sony Wonder

Various Warning Screen Descriptions - CLG Wiki
Warning: On a blue background, we see the words "FBI WARNING:" with a red underline, and underneath them is the generic warning text.

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: None, this is a still FBI Warning.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on all Sony Wonder releases, mostly videos released under Sony's music distribution arms, including all Sony Wonder releases. It also shows up on some Sony Music Entertainment/SMV Enterprises VHS releases (such as MTV's products).

Scare Factor: Low to medium.

Sony Video warning

Warning: On a black background, a red horizontal line appears near the top. On top of the line, the word "WARNING" in a large font types itself in. Then on the bottom of the line, small white warning text types itself in. Everything is in capitals.

FX/SFX: The words being typed in.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Sony Video Software and SVS/Triumph releases.

Scare Factor: Low.

Thames Video

Early Thames WarningThames Video Warning

Warning: On a black background, we see the word "WARNING" and warning text below in white, surrounded by a white border.The font is similar to CG Omega.

Variant: The earlier variant had no border and the text in Arial font.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Thames Video releases in the UK

Scare Factor: Minimal.


United American Video Corporation


Warning: On a black background, we see the carmine text "WARNING" in a very large Helvetica font with a white shadow drop and under it is the white warning text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare; found on UAV tapes from the 90's.

Scare Factor: None.


2nd WarningVidAmerica Warning
(Late 1980s-1992)

Warning: On a lilac-colored background, we see the white words "COPYRIGHT NOTICE" in italics with a long yellow line below. Below is the first half of the white warning text. Then everything fades out and goes to the second half of the text on the same background.

FX/SFX: None, unless you count the first screen fading to the second.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on releases by VidAmerica from 1985 to 1992.

Scare Factor: Minimal.

Vidmark Entertainment Warning Screen

: On a blue background, the stacked words "FBI WARNING" are in purple. Underneath these words is white warning text, which is in italics.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Can be found on certain Vidmark Entertainment releases from the 1980s to the early 1990s.

Scare Factor: None.

Virgin Video

Virgin Video Warning (1985)
Warning: On a blue background, we see the following white text:

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The copyright proprietors
have licensed the material contained in this video-
cassette for private and domestic use only and any
other use or reproduction in whole or in part
including the making of copies of the material or
causing it to be transmitted to subscribers to a
diffusion service or selling, letting or hire or other-
wise dealing with it in whole or in part is strictly

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Virgin Video releases.

Scare Factor: None.


Virgin Vision FBI
Warning: On a black background, we see the red words "FBI WARNING" sandwiched by red lines. Below it is white text. This looks like the Image Entertainment warning screen.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare. Seen on a VHS of Lady in White.

Scare Factor: None.
WarnerVision Warning (1993-)

Warning: On a black/red gradient background, we see the words "LEGAL WARNING" in white. Below them is the white warning text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on certain releases from WarnerVision, KidVision, and A-Vision. Also seen on Atlantic/Kushner-Locke video releases.

Scare Factor: None.

York Entertainment warning

Warning: On a black background is a white square. At the top of the square is the red word "WARNING" that blinks on and off. Then, three seconds later, black warning text appears below "WARNING". Looks like the FHE/USA Home Video warning screen from 1982-1990.
FX/SFX: The word "WARNING" blinking and the text appearing.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Rare.
Scare Factor: TBA.