Your Dream Logos Part Four
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logoboy95's Dream Logos Part IV
Austin Systems Production Studio (2007-)
Background: Austin Systems Production Studio was a new subsidiary of Austin Systems. It was founded on December 16, 2007 and it has an actual logo.
Nicknames: "20th Century Fox Parody", "The Tower"
Logo: We see a yellow Arial (Narrow) view of a CGI Fox structure reading "AUSTINSYSTEMS PRODUCTION STUDIO", in the 20th Century Fox font, revealing on screen. We see a skyline behind the structure before settling, at an angle.
Variant: There's a short version of this logo at the end of some shows. It features the same logo, which is cut shortened. Above the structure the words "IN ASSOCIATION WITH" fades in.
FX: A parody of the 1994 20th Century Fox logo, but nice 3D animation, anyways!
Music: Same as the 1994 20th Century Fox logo. In the short version, the jingle is cut shortened.
Availability: Current, the short version can be seen on "The Remy the Rat Show" on the Austin Systems Channel. The long version was seen on movies distributed by Austin Systems. This logo can be also seen on "Homer Simpson: The Movie".
Scare Factor: None, it's a cute logo.
Silversword55's Dream Logos
Train Pig/JH Pictures
1st logo
(August 2014-Present)
Note: Train Pig/JH Pictures was formerly Go Mark Pictures (JHProd's dream logo from Your Dream Logos Part 3)
Logo: On a brick wall background, we see TRAIN PIG/JH Pictures in orange, graffiti style font. Then "Payton The Pig" which is the mascot of Train Pig Enterprises grabs a spray can, and sprays
A Train Pig Company
JHprod's dream logos
Team Yoshi Productions (2008-Present)
Background: Team Yoshi Productions can also distributive Austin Systems & JH Productions movies such as Super Why: The Movie.
Logo 1: 2008-Present

Nickname: "The 6 Zooming Triangles"
Logo: We see an egg fipping & zooming in, a text:
& the 6 triangles zoom in.
Variations: In TV shows, a short version of this logo had a byline fading in:
A Train Pig/JH Company
On Super Why: The Movie, they had a text underneath TEAMyoshi:
On Spongebob Squarepants, they had a black background & the text is in white.
On Austin Systems TV shows & movies, they had a copyright underneath TEAMyoshi,
(c) 2008-09, Team Yoshi Group
On The Remy the Rat Show, they had a byline zooming out:
An Austin Systems Company
Music: Silent. On JH Productions shows, they had a 5-note synth theme or ending credits.
Avalibility: See Background
Carlco 2000
1st logo
nickname: Backwards oclrac!
logo: we see groups of C's and flash to make
written on a chalkboard, then it zoomes out to bart and he says 2000! and it writes and gets to
Balto's Dream Logos
Bango Enterprises
1st Logo
Nickname: "Who throwed the ball?"
Logo: On a white black background, we see Bango sitting on the studio's name spinning the basketball in its hand, then throws it.
Cheesy Factor: Bango is sitting on the studio's name, spinning the basketball, being thrown.
Music: End theme song of shows produced by Bango Enterprises from 1978 to 1984.
Availability: Seen on the early releases of The Milwaukee Bucks tapes.
Scare Factor: None, if you're scared of Bango throwing the ball.
2nd Logo
Nickname: "Bango makes a shot"
Logo: We see Bango playing basketball, making its catch. Then we see him running and he gets close to the basketball hoops, he jumps, and throws it in. The name "Bango Enterprises" shimmers in a 80's computer font.
Cheesy Factor: Animation done by the people who worked on Balto.
Music: A synthesized 80's pop tune that sounded similar to Grandmaster Flash.
Availabililty: Seen on the shows of "The Beaver State", "Outrun", "The Bucks of Hazzard" and others.
Scare Factor: None.
3rd Logo
(1993- )
Note: 20th Century Fox decided to distribute Bango Enterprises in 1993, as now has it byline reading "A NEWS CORPARATION COMPANY"
Nickname: "Bango jumps over"
Logo: We see Bango running in a Bucks game, reaching for the basketball hoop. As he reaches the basketball hoop, Bango jumps to the hoop. As he jumps over, The words "BANGO" and "ENTERPRISES" crash at each other. The picture freezes.
Cheesy Factor: Video caught from a Bucks game.
Music: A fantasy-oriented synthesizer tune.
Music Variant: In the 1999 TV special "The Program Exchange's 20th Anniversary Bash", It had the 1979 Program Exchange logo, but softer on the volume and heavier on the bass. Also, the logo was sped up to fit in with the music.
Availability: Seen on the shows of "The History of Pet Shop Boys", "Edge Of The Century", "Bristol Bay Wolf", "Kody the Swampert" and others. The 20th Century Fox logo preeceds after that logo staring in 2004.
Scare Factor: None, the synthesizer music is cool.
(December 24, 2007-Forever)
Note: This production company shows Kaltag from Balto. Kaltag Productions is a joint venture of <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">NBC Universal</a> and 20th Century Fox. And one thing! This lastest logo for Kaltag Productions I've created is from 2411 to forever. Kaltag Productions is the head of Nikki, Kaltag & Star Corparation.
1st Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag the Rapper"
Logo: We see Kaltag wearing a white sleeveless shirt, black pants, and a dollar sign necklace. His paw is at the camera. Behind Kaltag is a brick wall and his name is sprayed on it. On the bottom of the screen, KALTAG PRODUCTIONS is shown.
FX: All the graphics.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag from Balto as a rapper.
Music: We hear Kaltag saying "Yo, Balto!" in a rapper's voice.
Availability: Seen on the shows of "Ice Age: The Series", "Balto", "Michael Mallowolf's Surf Adventure" and others. This also can be seen on the fake version of "Star Fox" and the 1st season of "The New Head Of The Class".
Scare Factor: None, this is one of the greatest logos.
2nd Logo
Nickname: "Sad Kaltag"
Logo: On a navy blue background, we see Kaltag on 4 legs with a sad face. He also wears a mistletoe on his collar. The studio's name appear in a rippling effect (a la the Imagine Entertainment logo).
FX: The studio's name rippling.
Cheesy Factor: Why is Kaltag sad?! I don't see any tears from his eyes.
Music: A somber piano tune that sounds similar to the United Artists 1982-1987 theme song.
Availability: Seen on shows like "The New Head Of The Class", "Balto of the future", the final season of "Banjo Kazooie" and many others. This also is shown in movies like "Malibu Fox 8".
Scare Factor: Minimal, this logo can make you sad like Kaltag.
3rd Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag and the newspaper"
Logo: We see Kaltag sitting on the couch reading a newspaper that shows "Balto brings in the medicene!" then the
studio's name is typed like a typewriter.
FX: All the animation.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag has found one of the old newspapers, like this one dated from 1925. And the studio's name
is typed like a typewriter.
Music: End of theme song of any show.
Availability: Seen on any show from Kaltag Productions from 2025 to 2032. Also seen on the final season of "The New Head of the Class".
Scare Factor: None.
4th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag surfs"
Logo: We see Kaltag wearing swim trunks who is surfing on his surfboard, the water splashes at the studio's name (KALTAG PRODUCTIONS) and he shouts "Hang Eight, Balto!".
FX: The studio's name being splashed.
Cheesy Factor: Whoa! Kaltag's the most accomplished surfer!
Music: A synthesizer riff with Kaltag saying "Hang Eight, Balto!".
Availability: Seen on "Predator", the 2nd seasons through the 5th seasons of "LA Confendital" and many more.
Scare Factor: None, you don't want Kaltag to cause a wipeout.
5th Logo
Nicknames: "Just like Fox McCloud", "Star Husky"
Logo: On the white background, we see Kaltag wearing Fox McCloud's clothes, and headphones. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS turns blue.
FX: The studio's name turned blue.
Cheesy Factor: Just think, Kaltag wears Fox McCloud's clothes. Will be there a game on Kaltag? No!!!!
Music: Any ending credits theme song. Some shows and have a synthesizer tune, which also only appears on movies from Kaltag Productions.
Availability: Seen on "Franklin Fizzlybear to the future", "Saved By the Bell: The 21st Century", "Guiding Light", "Kodi's Adventure" and many others from 2039 to 2043.
Scare Factor: None, this is a mix between Kaltag and Fox McCloud.
6th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag is cool"
Logo: On a gray background, We see Kaltag wearing a shirt that has the colors of the Mallowolf and he stands under a darker gray spotlight. Above Kaltag, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS shining a la the Lorimar-Telepictures logo.
FX: Cheap animation done by the son of the animator who worked on Balto.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag wearing a shirt.
Music: Same as the Buena Vista Home Video 1989-1994 logo.
Availability: Seen on "Steven Speilberg: 100 Years", "When Dick Clark died", "Malibu Fox (the remake of the 1993 film)" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
7th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag has gone Sneasel"
Logo: We see Kaltag doing moves like Sneasel and he wears a headband and a feather on the top of his head. KALTAG PRODUCTION pops out.
FX: The studio's name popping out.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is doing moves like Sneasel.
Music: A electric guitar riff.
Availability: Seen on "The life of Tom Cruise", "Purple Rain", "On Deadly Ground", "Top Gun" and more.
Scare Factor: Minimal, the studio's name popping out might catch a viewer off-guard.
8th Logo
Note: The Kaltag Productions logo, now with Nikki & Star!
Nicknames: "The Antlers are blowing the wind" (not the Viva Pinata episode), "Nikki, Kaltag & Star"
Logo: On a purple-blue gradient background, we see Nikki, Kaltag and Star. Left by Kaltag is Star and right by Kaltag is Nikki. Kaltag wears antlers that give waves (a la the Viva Pinata episode) from it. Nikki & Star are not amused. Above them is KALTAG PRODUCTIONS in a Eurostile font.
FX: The antlers give waves.
Cheesy Factor: Antlers don't grow on huskies! It's just Kaltag wearing it.
Music: A hawaiian guitar tune.
Availability: Seen on "The Posideon Adventure: 100 years" and more.
Scare Factor: There was a variant that scared the fans who loved Nikki, Kaltag & Star.
9th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag's Lake Adventure"
Logo: On a dark blue background, we see Kaltag swimming with a mask, snorkel, collar and flippers. Then he halts to a stop into a I'm OK! pose (holding his arms & legs out and his eyes wink). Under Kaltag is the studio's name in purple.
Variant: In "Star Fox Adventures" (not the Nintendo Gamecube game), Balto swims along with Kaltag. Balto wears a mask, snorkel and flippers. Balto's flippers are jungle green.
FX: Kaltag swims.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag's flippers are blue. Kaltag has jumped into the water and he's on a lake adventure.
Music: A fantasy-oriented synthesizer fanfare.
Availability: Seen on "California Makeover", "Samuari Kodi" and many more. The last one to use that logo was "Purple Rain: 100 Years"
Scare Factor: None, this is one of the underwater logos.
10th Logo
Nickname: "The Bristol Bay Productions Logo Spoof"
Logo: We zoom in to a scenery with the northern lights with Kaltag standing on the rock, with a computer generated lake with the reflection the scenery. As the camera stops zooming, Kaltag turns his head right and then the words "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS" appear.
FX: The camera zooming, the scenery (not silohuetted), and Kaltag on the rock.
Cheesy Factor: Do some more Bristol Bay spoofs! That logo reminded me of drawing of the scenery.
Music: None. One variant had the Regency Enterprises theme song.
Availability: Seen on "George Michael's Faith: The 100th Anniversary", "Samuari Kodi", "Thursday Night Live" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
11th Logo
Note: The first year of the logo also promoted the 100th anniversary of the movie, Balto.
Nickname: "Kaltag at the beach"
Logo: We see Kaltag relaxing on a beach chair, holding a drink in his paw. He is surrounded by the huskies, palm trees, and Fox McCloud in his swim trunks. Below, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS in a handwriting font that was used in the Buena Vista feature presentation logo.
FX: Nothing moving at a glimpse.
Cheesy Factor: WHEW! After all of Kaltag's hard work, he decided to go to the beach and relax from the work he has done.
Music: Same as the 1988-1993 Rysher Entertainment logo.
Availability: Seen on any shows & movies from Kaltag Productions. The first one was "Balto: The film's 100th Anniversary".
Scare Factor: None.
12th Logo
Nicknames: "Arm Wrestle Match!", "Kaltag vs. Steele"
Logo: We see Kaltag and Steele arm wrestle. By the time Kaltag wins, he punches Steele. Below, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS written in blood.
FX: The studio's name written in blood.
Cheesy Factor: This the Kaltag Productions logo! Kaltag wins the arm wrestle as Steele loses.
Music: A deep note synthesizer key that was used for an intro in Nena's 99 Luftballons.
Availability: Seen on the releases from Kaltag Productions, such as "The Adventures Fox McCloud & Falco Lombardi". This logo didn't start in 2100, then it was 7 years later.
Scare Factor: Minimal, the studio's name written in blood looks gross (bleech!).
13th Logo
Nicknames: "The Viva Pinata Variant", "Hudson Horstachio, Paulie Pretztail, Fergy Fudgehog & Kaltag"
Logo: At the Viva Pinata event in Minnesota, we see Kalatg standing with Hudson, Paulie & Fergy behind the large Viva Pinata: Party Animals box. Kaltag smiles. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS is in a Viva Pinata font.
FX: No effect on the text (sigh).
Cheesy Factor: The Kaltag Productions logo, now with the Viva Pinata characters!
Music: Paulie Pretztail says "This is the life", then Hudson Horstachio goes "Shh!"
Availability: Seen on any shows like "The Great Malibu Fire", "Cocktail", "The Mouse That Roared (the remake of the 1959 film from Columbia)" and many more.
Scare Factor: None, this logo reminds me of the first Viva Pinata party in 2006.
14th Logo
Nickname: "Kick the whammy"
Logo: On the stage, we see Whammy singing a song from "Carmen". Kaltag enters left and kicks Whammy off the stage to form the studio's name.
FX: The studio's name has arisen.
Cheesy Factor: The Whammy is singing on stage, just as Kaltag enters to the stage and Whammy gets kicked.
Music: Whammy sings in a man's operatic voice, then he goes "Whoa!" as he is kicked out.
Availability: Seen on any shows & movies from Kaltag Productions.
Scare Factor: None, if you are feared of the Whammy.
15th Logo
Nickname: "The Rysher Entertainment Spoof"
Logo: On the top half of the screen, there is a picture of a city at what appears to be sunset. Kaltag stands next to the buildings. The sun "sets" and stars and the lights in the city buildings appear, as do the words "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS". "KALTAG" is in a large extremely condensed Times New Roman-style font and "KALTAG" is seen in a smallish font below it. A comet streaks in the city sky as the animation finishes. Below the studio's name is a byline that reads "A Subisdary of NBC Universal. A Fox Studios Company".
FX: The sky fading, the comet.
Cheesy Factor: Oops! I was stuck between Kaltag and Rysher Entertainment, so I turned back to 11th logo which looked due to Rysher.
Music: A synthesizer version of the 1993 Rysher Entertainment jingle.
Availability: Seen on "Dude, Where's My Car?", "Falco Lombardi's Nightclub", "Rain Man", "The Affection of the Supernova" and more from Kaltag Productions.
Scare Factor: None, unless if the comet flew around the city.
16th Logo
Nicknames: "Kaltag is scared", "The unsettled Kaltag"
Logo: On a dark blue background, Kaltag is sitting on the green couch with a popcorn in his paw. There's a red flash from the TV and Kaltag screams. Above Kaltag and the couch is "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS" in Arial Narrow font in blue.
FX: The red flash.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is on the couch.
Music: Any closing of the show's theme song.
Availability: Seen on any Kaltag Productions-produced shows.
Scare Factor: High, because you could get scared like Kaltag.
17th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag jumps off"
Logo: Cut from the Deer Home Video logo, we see Kaltag jumping off the triangle and lands on the grass on 2 legs. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS flashes.
FX: The studio's name flashing.
Cheesy Factor: Inlawed 3d animation.
Music: The Fox Hills Video jingle is cut.
Availability: Seen on the first season of "Shark", "National Security", "Kermit the Frog is scared" and more.
Scare Factor: None.
18th logo
Nickname: "Kaltag's Shirt"
Logo: In a night city scenery, we see Kaltag wearing a Greetings From North Pole T-shirt. The lights turn on and Kaltag winks, not the studio's name.
FX: The street does not have any FX.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is nocturnal.
Music: Any ending of the show's theme song. Sometimes, an announcer would say "(SHOW'S NAME) is record from a live studio audience by Kaltag Productions."
Availability: Check any show from 2168 to 2171.
Scare Factor: None.
19th logo
Nickname: "Kaltag + PolyGram Video"
Logo: We see Kaltag watching TV, who is not scared from 16th logo. On the TV, Kaltag Productions appears in a same effect from PolyGram Video also with the red line into a CLANG!
FX: The same effect from PolyGram Video.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag watches TV but where's his eyes?!.....Oh!
Music: The same sound effect from the PolyGram Video logo.
Availabililty: Seen on "The Train Pig Exploded" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
20th Logo
Nickname: "Just like Blitz the Seahawk"
Logo: At the hallway, we see Kaltag wearing a Seahawk jersey and pants. Kaltag gets pumped up. The U in PRODUCTIONS says "Whoa!".
FX: The U goes "Whoa!"
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag gets pumped up.
Music: Plays Wonder Years theme.
Availability: Seen on "Fox McCloud's Lake Adventure" and more.
Scare Factor: None.
21st Logo
Austin Systems Production Studio (2007-)
Background: Austin Systems Production Studio was a new subsidiary of Austin Systems. It was founded on December 16, 2007 and it has an actual logo.
Nicknames: "20th Century Fox Parody", "The Tower"
Logo: We see a yellow Arial (Narrow) view of a CGI Fox structure reading "AUSTINSYSTEMS PRODUCTION STUDIO", in the 20th Century Fox font, revealing on screen. We see a skyline behind the structure before settling, at an angle.
Variant: There's a short version of this logo at the end of some shows. It features the same logo, which is cut shortened. Above the structure the words "IN ASSOCIATION WITH" fades in.
FX: A parody of the 1994 20th Century Fox logo, but nice 3D animation, anyways!
Music: Same as the 1994 20th Century Fox logo. In the short version, the jingle is cut shortened.
Availability: Current, the short version can be seen on "The Remy the Rat Show" on the Austin Systems Channel. The long version was seen on movies distributed by Austin Systems. This logo can be also seen on "Homer Simpson: The Movie".
Scare Factor: None, it's a cute logo.
Silversword55's Dream Logos
Train Pig/JH Pictures
1st logo
(August 2014-Present)
Note: Train Pig/JH Pictures was formerly Go Mark Pictures (JHProd's dream logo from Your Dream Logos Part 3)
Logo: On a brick wall background, we see TRAIN PIG/JH Pictures in orange, graffiti style font. Then "Payton The Pig" which is the mascot of Train Pig Enterprises grabs a spray can, and sprays
A Train Pig Company
SFX: The CGI Spray Can spraying the byline.
Music: A hip-hop style beat.
Availability: Can se seen on "First And Ten"
Scare Factor: None.
Availability: Can se seen on "First And Ten"
Scare Factor: None.
JHprod's dream logos
Team Yoshi Productions (2008-Present)
Background: Team Yoshi Productions can also distributive Austin Systems & JH Productions movies such as Super Why: The Movie.
Logo 1: 2008-Present

Nickname: "The 6 Zooming Triangles"
Logo: We see an egg fipping & zooming in, a text:
& the 6 triangles zoom in.
Variations: In TV shows, a short version of this logo had a byline fading in:
A Train Pig/JH Company
On Super Why: The Movie, they had a text underneath TEAMyoshi:
On Spongebob Squarepants, they had a black background & the text is in white.
On Austin Systems TV shows & movies, they had a copyright underneath TEAMyoshi,
(c) 2008-09, Team Yoshi Group
On The Remy the Rat Show, they had a byline zooming out:
An Austin Systems Company
Music: Silent. On JH Productions shows, they had a 5-note synth theme or ending credits.
Avalibility: See Background
Carlco 2000
1st logo
nickname: Backwards oclrac!
logo: we see groups of C's and flash to make
written on a chalkboard, then it zoomes out to bart and he says 2000! and it writes and gets to
And he smiles and the rest erases. Balto's Dream Logos
Bango Enterprises
1st Logo
Nickname: "Who throwed the ball?"
Logo: On a white black background, we see Bango sitting on the studio's name spinning the basketball in its hand, then throws it.
Cheesy Factor: Bango is sitting on the studio's name, spinning the basketball, being thrown.
Music: End theme song of shows produced by Bango Enterprises from 1978 to 1984.
Availability: Seen on the early releases of The Milwaukee Bucks tapes.
Scare Factor: None, if you're scared of Bango throwing the ball.
2nd Logo
Nickname: "Bango makes a shot"
Logo: We see Bango playing basketball, making its catch. Then we see him running and he gets close to the basketball hoops, he jumps, and throws it in. The name "Bango Enterprises" shimmers in a 80's computer font.
Cheesy Factor: Animation done by the people who worked on Balto.
Music: A synthesized 80's pop tune that sounded similar to Grandmaster Flash.
Availabililty: Seen on the shows of "The Beaver State", "Outrun", "The Bucks of Hazzard" and others.
Scare Factor: None.
3rd Logo
(1993- )
Note: 20th Century Fox decided to distribute Bango Enterprises in 1993, as now has it byline reading "A NEWS CORPARATION COMPANY"
Nickname: "Bango jumps over"
Logo: We see Bango running in a Bucks game, reaching for the basketball hoop. As he reaches the basketball hoop, Bango jumps to the hoop. As he jumps over, The words "BANGO" and "ENTERPRISES" crash at each other. The picture freezes.
Cheesy Factor: Video caught from a Bucks game.
Music: A fantasy-oriented synthesizer tune.
Music Variant: In the 1999 TV special "The Program Exchange's 20th Anniversary Bash", It had the 1979 Program Exchange logo, but softer on the volume and heavier on the bass. Also, the logo was sped up to fit in with the music.
Availability: Seen on the shows of "The History of Pet Shop Boys", "Edge Of The Century", "Bristol Bay Wolf", "Kody the Swampert" and others. The 20th Century Fox logo preeceds after that logo staring in 2004.
Scare Factor: None, the synthesizer music is cool.
(December 24, 2007-Forever)
Note: This production company shows Kaltag from Balto. Kaltag Productions is a joint venture of <a class="external" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">NBC Universal</a> and 20th Century Fox. And one thing! This lastest logo for Kaltag Productions I've created is from 2411 to forever. Kaltag Productions is the head of Nikki, Kaltag & Star Corparation.
1st Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag the Rapper"
Logo: We see Kaltag wearing a white sleeveless shirt, black pants, and a dollar sign necklace. His paw is at the camera. Behind Kaltag is a brick wall and his name is sprayed on it. On the bottom of the screen, KALTAG PRODUCTIONS is shown.
FX: All the graphics.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag from Balto as a rapper.
Music: We hear Kaltag saying "Yo, Balto!" in a rapper's voice.
Availability: Seen on the shows of "Ice Age: The Series", "Balto", "Michael Mallowolf's Surf Adventure" and others. This also can be seen on the fake version of "Star Fox" and the 1st season of "The New Head Of The Class".
Scare Factor: None, this is one of the greatest logos.
2nd Logo
Nickname: "Sad Kaltag"
Logo: On a navy blue background, we see Kaltag on 4 legs with a sad face. He also wears a mistletoe on his collar. The studio's name appear in a rippling effect (a la the Imagine Entertainment logo).
FX: The studio's name rippling.
Cheesy Factor: Why is Kaltag sad?! I don't see any tears from his eyes.
Music: A somber piano tune that sounds similar to the United Artists 1982-1987 theme song.
Availability: Seen on shows like "The New Head Of The Class", "Balto of the future", the final season of "Banjo Kazooie" and many others. This also is shown in movies like "Malibu Fox 8".
Scare Factor: Minimal, this logo can make you sad like Kaltag.
3rd Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag and the newspaper"
Logo: We see Kaltag sitting on the couch reading a newspaper that shows "Balto brings in the medicene!" then the
studio's name is typed like a typewriter.
FX: All the animation.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag has found one of the old newspapers, like this one dated from 1925. And the studio's name
is typed like a typewriter.
Music: End of theme song of any show.
Availability: Seen on any show from Kaltag Productions from 2025 to 2032. Also seen on the final season of "The New Head of the Class".
Scare Factor: None.
4th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag surfs"
Logo: We see Kaltag wearing swim trunks who is surfing on his surfboard, the water splashes at the studio's name (KALTAG PRODUCTIONS) and he shouts "Hang Eight, Balto!".
FX: The studio's name being splashed.
Cheesy Factor: Whoa! Kaltag's the most accomplished surfer!
Music: A synthesizer riff with Kaltag saying "Hang Eight, Balto!".
Availability: Seen on "Predator", the 2nd seasons through the 5th seasons of "LA Confendital" and many more.
Scare Factor: None, you don't want Kaltag to cause a wipeout.
5th Logo
Nicknames: "Just like Fox McCloud", "Star Husky"
Logo: On the white background, we see Kaltag wearing Fox McCloud's clothes, and headphones. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS turns blue.
FX: The studio's name turned blue.
Cheesy Factor: Just think, Kaltag wears Fox McCloud's clothes. Will be there a game on Kaltag? No!!!!
Music: Any ending credits theme song. Some shows and have a synthesizer tune, which also only appears on movies from Kaltag Productions.
Availability: Seen on "Franklin Fizzlybear to the future", "Saved By the Bell: The 21st Century", "Guiding Light", "Kodi's Adventure" and many others from 2039 to 2043.
Scare Factor: None, this is a mix between Kaltag and Fox McCloud.
6th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag is cool"
Logo: On a gray background, We see Kaltag wearing a shirt that has the colors of the Mallowolf and he stands under a darker gray spotlight. Above Kaltag, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS shining a la the Lorimar-Telepictures logo.
FX: Cheap animation done by the son of the animator who worked on Balto.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag wearing a shirt.
Music: Same as the Buena Vista Home Video 1989-1994 logo.
Availability: Seen on "Steven Speilberg: 100 Years", "When Dick Clark died", "Malibu Fox (the remake of the 1993 film)" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
7th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag has gone Sneasel"
Logo: We see Kaltag doing moves like Sneasel and he wears a headband and a feather on the top of his head. KALTAG PRODUCTION pops out.
FX: The studio's name popping out.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is doing moves like Sneasel.
Music: A electric guitar riff.
Availability: Seen on "The life of Tom Cruise", "Purple Rain", "On Deadly Ground", "Top Gun" and more.
Scare Factor: Minimal, the studio's name popping out might catch a viewer off-guard.
8th Logo
Note: The Kaltag Productions logo, now with Nikki & Star!
Nicknames: "The Antlers are blowing the wind" (not the Viva Pinata episode), "Nikki, Kaltag & Star"
Logo: On a purple-blue gradient background, we see Nikki, Kaltag and Star. Left by Kaltag is Star and right by Kaltag is Nikki. Kaltag wears antlers that give waves (a la the Viva Pinata episode) from it. Nikki & Star are not amused. Above them is KALTAG PRODUCTIONS in a Eurostile font.
FX: The antlers give waves.
Cheesy Factor: Antlers don't grow on huskies! It's just Kaltag wearing it.
Music: A hawaiian guitar tune.
Availability: Seen on "The Posideon Adventure: 100 years" and more.
Scare Factor: There was a variant that scared the fans who loved Nikki, Kaltag & Star.
9th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag's Lake Adventure"
Logo: On a dark blue background, we see Kaltag swimming with a mask, snorkel, collar and flippers. Then he halts to a stop into a I'm OK! pose (holding his arms & legs out and his eyes wink). Under Kaltag is the studio's name in purple.
Variant: In "Star Fox Adventures" (not the Nintendo Gamecube game), Balto swims along with Kaltag. Balto wears a mask, snorkel and flippers. Balto's flippers are jungle green.
FX: Kaltag swims.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag's flippers are blue. Kaltag has jumped into the water and he's on a lake adventure.
Music: A fantasy-oriented synthesizer fanfare.
Availability: Seen on "California Makeover", "Samuari Kodi" and many more. The last one to use that logo was "Purple Rain: 100 Years"
Scare Factor: None, this is one of the underwater logos.
10th Logo
Nickname: "The Bristol Bay Productions Logo Spoof"
Logo: We zoom in to a scenery with the northern lights with Kaltag standing on the rock, with a computer generated lake with the reflection the scenery. As the camera stops zooming, Kaltag turns his head right and then the words "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS" appear.
FX: The camera zooming, the scenery (not silohuetted), and Kaltag on the rock.
Cheesy Factor: Do some more Bristol Bay spoofs! That logo reminded me of drawing of the scenery.
Music: None. One variant had the Regency Enterprises theme song.
Availability: Seen on "George Michael's Faith: The 100th Anniversary", "Samuari Kodi", "Thursday Night Live" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
11th Logo
Note: The first year of the logo also promoted the 100th anniversary of the movie, Balto.
Nickname: "Kaltag at the beach"
Logo: We see Kaltag relaxing on a beach chair, holding a drink in his paw. He is surrounded by the huskies, palm trees, and Fox McCloud in his swim trunks. Below, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS in a handwriting font that was used in the Buena Vista feature presentation logo.
FX: Nothing moving at a glimpse.
Cheesy Factor: WHEW! After all of Kaltag's hard work, he decided to go to the beach and relax from the work he has done.
Music: Same as the 1988-1993 Rysher Entertainment logo.
Availability: Seen on any shows & movies from Kaltag Productions. The first one was "Balto: The film's 100th Anniversary".
Scare Factor: None.
12th Logo
Nicknames: "Arm Wrestle Match!", "Kaltag vs. Steele"
Logo: We see Kaltag and Steele arm wrestle. By the time Kaltag wins, he punches Steele. Below, we see KALTAG PRODUCTIONS written in blood.
FX: The studio's name written in blood.
Cheesy Factor: This the Kaltag Productions logo! Kaltag wins the arm wrestle as Steele loses.
Music: A deep note synthesizer key that was used for an intro in Nena's 99 Luftballons.
Availability: Seen on the releases from Kaltag Productions, such as "The Adventures Fox McCloud & Falco Lombardi". This logo didn't start in 2100, then it was 7 years later.
Scare Factor: Minimal, the studio's name written in blood looks gross (bleech!).
13th Logo
Nicknames: "The Viva Pinata Variant", "Hudson Horstachio, Paulie Pretztail, Fergy Fudgehog & Kaltag"
Logo: At the Viva Pinata event in Minnesota, we see Kalatg standing with Hudson, Paulie & Fergy behind the large Viva Pinata: Party Animals box. Kaltag smiles. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS is in a Viva Pinata font.
FX: No effect on the text (sigh).
Cheesy Factor: The Kaltag Productions logo, now with the Viva Pinata characters!
Music: Paulie Pretztail says "This is the life", then Hudson Horstachio goes "Shh!"
Availability: Seen on any shows like "The Great Malibu Fire", "Cocktail", "The Mouse That Roared (the remake of the 1959 film from Columbia)" and many more.
Scare Factor: None, this logo reminds me of the first Viva Pinata party in 2006.
14th Logo
Nickname: "Kick the whammy"
Logo: On the stage, we see Whammy singing a song from "Carmen". Kaltag enters left and kicks Whammy off the stage to form the studio's name.
FX: The studio's name has arisen.
Cheesy Factor: The Whammy is singing on stage, just as Kaltag enters to the stage and Whammy gets kicked.
Music: Whammy sings in a man's operatic voice, then he goes "Whoa!" as he is kicked out.
Availability: Seen on any shows & movies from Kaltag Productions.
Scare Factor: None, if you are feared of the Whammy.
15th Logo
Nickname: "The Rysher Entertainment Spoof"
Logo: On the top half of the screen, there is a picture of a city at what appears to be sunset. Kaltag stands next to the buildings. The sun "sets" and stars and the lights in the city buildings appear, as do the words "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS". "KALTAG" is in a large extremely condensed Times New Roman-style font and "KALTAG" is seen in a smallish font below it. A comet streaks in the city sky as the animation finishes. Below the studio's name is a byline that reads "A Subisdary of NBC Universal. A Fox Studios Company".
FX: The sky fading, the comet.
Cheesy Factor: Oops! I was stuck between Kaltag and Rysher Entertainment, so I turned back to 11th logo which looked due to Rysher.
Music: A synthesizer version of the 1993 Rysher Entertainment jingle.
Availability: Seen on "Dude, Where's My Car?", "Falco Lombardi's Nightclub", "Rain Man", "The Affection of the Supernova" and more from Kaltag Productions.
Scare Factor: None, unless if the comet flew around the city.
16th Logo
Nicknames: "Kaltag is scared", "The unsettled Kaltag"
Logo: On a dark blue background, Kaltag is sitting on the green couch with a popcorn in his paw. There's a red flash from the TV and Kaltag screams. Above Kaltag and the couch is "KALTAG PRODUCTIONS" in Arial Narrow font in blue.
FX: The red flash.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is on the couch.
Music: Any closing of the show's theme song.
Availability: Seen on any Kaltag Productions-produced shows.
Scare Factor: High, because you could get scared like Kaltag.
17th Logo
Nickname: "Kaltag jumps off"
Logo: Cut from the Deer Home Video logo, we see Kaltag jumping off the triangle and lands on the grass on 2 legs. KALTAG PRODUCTIONS flashes.
FX: The studio's name flashing.
Cheesy Factor: Inlawed 3d animation.
Music: The Fox Hills Video jingle is cut.
Availability: Seen on the first season of "Shark", "National Security", "Kermit the Frog is scared" and more.
Scare Factor: None.
18th logo
Nickname: "Kaltag's Shirt"
Logo: In a night city scenery, we see Kaltag wearing a Greetings From North Pole T-shirt. The lights turn on and Kaltag winks, not the studio's name.
FX: The street does not have any FX.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag is nocturnal.
Music: Any ending of the show's theme song. Sometimes, an announcer would say "(SHOW'S NAME) is record from a live studio audience by Kaltag Productions."
Availability: Check any show from 2168 to 2171.
Scare Factor: None.
19th logo
Nickname: "Kaltag + PolyGram Video"
Logo: We see Kaltag watching TV, who is not scared from 16th logo. On the TV, Kaltag Productions appears in a same effect from PolyGram Video also with the red line into a CLANG!
FX: The same effect from PolyGram Video.
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag watches TV but where's his eyes?!.....Oh!
Music: The same sound effect from the PolyGram Video logo.
Availabililty: Seen on "The Train Pig Exploded" and many more.
Scare Factor: None.
20th Logo
Nickname: "Just like Blitz the Seahawk"
Logo: At the hallway, we see Kaltag wearing a Seahawk jersey and pants. Kaltag gets pumped up. The U in PRODUCTIONS says "Whoa!".
FX: The U goes "Whoa!"
Cheesy Factor: Kaltag gets pumped up.
Music: Plays Wonder Years theme.
Availability: Seen on "Fox McCloud's Lake Adventure" and more.
Scare Factor: None.
21st Logo